Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.
If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.
Title | Description | FOI Category | Date Received |
Ref no FOI.2023.0622 Response | FOI/2023/0622 - Temporary agency staffing for 2022/23 | Human resources | 24/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0621 Response | FOI/2023/0621 - Infant (new born) Plastibell circumcision leaflet | Trust publications | 24/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0618 Response | FOI/2023/0618 - Blinded surgical glove trial | Research and development | 23/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0617 Response | FOI/2023/0617 - Neonatal unit CCTV | Security | 23/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0616 Response | FOI/2023/0616 - Neurology workforce | Human resources | 22/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0615 Response | FOI/2023/0615 - Wayfinding strategy | Trust publications | 22/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0613 Response | FOI/2023/0613 - Treatment for Melanoma | Cancer | 22/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0612 Response | FOI/2023/0612 - Senior management details | Human resources | 22/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0614 Response | FOI/2023/0614 - Communications | Trust services | 22/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0609 Response | FOI/2023/0609 - Companies that currently have contracts at UCLH | Procurement | 21/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0607 Response | FOI/2023/0607 - Radiology staff details | Human resources | 21/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0606 Response | FOI/2023/0606 - Carbon emissions 2019/20 to 2022/23 | Estates and facilities | 21/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0605 Response | FOI/2023/0605 - Blood tests in Emergency Services | Trust services | 21/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0604 Response | FOI/2023/0604 - Patient flow system | Information technology | 18/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0603 Response | FOI/2023/0603 - Treatment of dermatological conditions | Pharmacy | 18/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0601 Response | FOI/2023/0601 - Payroll supplementary pay runs | Human resources | 17/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0600 Response | FOI/2023/0600 - Hysteroscopy procedure | Patient treatment | 17/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0598 Response | FOI/2023/0598 - Waiting times for talking therapies/ counselling/ CBT | Trust services | 17/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0597 Response | FOI/2023/0597 - Software solutions for ERP, CRM, HR, finance and payroll | Information technology | 17/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0596 Response | FOI/2023/0596 - 3rd party providers for Bank staff | Human resources | 17/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0592 Response | FOI/2023/0592 - Procurement staff organisation chart | Organisational structure | 16/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0591 Response | FOI/2023/0591 - Healthcare Assistants agency rates 2023 | Finance | 16/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0594 Response | FOI/2023/0594 - Asthma Treatment | Pharmacy | 16/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0589 Response | FOI/2023/0589 - International nurse recruitment | Human resources | 15/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0588 Response | FOI/2023/0588 - Radiology staff agency spend | Finance | 15/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0587 Response | FOI/2023/0587 - Renal Dialysis capacity | Trust services | 15/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0586 Response | FOI/2023/0586 - Children treated for E-scooter injuries | Patient treatment | 15/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0585 Response | FOI/2024/0585 - Trust policy for the assessment of developmental Dysplasia of the hip (DDH) | Trust policy | 15/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0580 Response | FOI/2023/0580 - Prescribed puberty blockers | Patient treatment | 14/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0581 Response | FOI/2023/0581 - Treatment of Haemophilia | Pharmacy | 14/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0579 Response | FOI/2023/0579 - Procurement for specialist seating for patients | Procurement | 14/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0578 Response | FOI/2023/0578 - Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) patients | Patients | 11/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0577 Response | FOI/2023/0577 - Genetic testing services for people with MND | Trust services | 11/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0574 Response | FOI/2023/0574 - Waiting list for a non-urgent X-ray | Imaging | 10/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0573 Response | FOI/2023/0573 - Prothestic and orthortic services | Trust services | 10/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0572 Response | FOI/2023/0572 - Cancer cancelled appointments | Cancer | 09/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0569 Response | FOI/2023/0569 - Treatment for Ruxolitinib | Pharmacy | 09/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0568 Response | FOI/2023/0568 - Adverse reactions to the Astra Zeneca Covid vaccine | Covid-19 | 09/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0566 Response | FOI/2023/0566 - Structure chart for IM &T, Business Intelligence, Informatics | Organisational structure | 08/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0565 Response | FOI/2023/0565 - Rare diseases - diagnosis/ treatment for Fabry/ Gaucher/ Pompe | Pharmacy | 08/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0564 Response | FOI/2023/0564 - Midwifery staff details | Human resources | 08/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0563 Response | FOI/2023/0563 - Treatment for Haemophilia B and Von Willebrand disease | Pharmacy | 07/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0561 Response | FOI/2023/0561 - Birthrate Plus | Human resources | 07/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0560 Response | FOI/2023/0560 - Digital maternity training platform | Human resources | 07/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0559 Response | FOI/2023/0559 - Patients admitted to hospital with dental distress | Hospital admission | 04/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0558 Response | FOI/2023/0558 - On-call MRI provision | Imaging | 04/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0558 Response | FOI/2023/0558 - On-call MRI provision | Imaging | 04/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0554 Response | FOI/2023/0554 - Training in transplant medicine | Human resources | 03/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0553 Response | FOI/2023/0553 - Maternity complaints by ethnicity | Complaints | 02/08/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0551 Response | FOI/2023/0551 - Homecare medicine services provider | Trust services | 02/08/2023 |