Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2020.0501 Response FOI/2020/0501 - Coronavirus transmission and deaths in hospital Covid-19 01/10/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0502 Response FOI/2020/0502 - Operating system used by Trust/ number of fax machines Information technology 01/10/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0498 Response FOI/2020/0498 - Total agency spend Finance 30/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0499 Response FOI/2020/0499 - Use of defibrotide for the treatment of Hepatic Veno-occlusive disease Patient treatment 30/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0492 Response FOI/2020/0492 - ECG machines Procurement 29/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0493 Response FOI/2020/0493 - Dental treatment Patient treatment 29/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0494 Response FOI/2020/0494 - NHS Wheelchair services before and after Covid-19 Trust services 29/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0487 Response FOI/2020/0487 - Use of identifiable uniforms within Trust Human Resources 28/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0488 Response FOI/2020/0488 - Target waiting time for a child/young person experiencing first episode of psychosis Patients 28/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0489 Response FOI/2020/0489 - Staff physically attacked and staff theft Safety 28/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0490 Response FOI/2020/0490 - Cancelled operations for adults Patient treatment 28/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0491 Response FOI/2020/0491 - Physical restraint use of force on vulnerable patients Patient safety 28/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0496 Response FOI/2020/0496 - Information about Covid-19 for Leeds Hosptial Covid-19 27/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0484 Response FOI/2020/0484 - Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) compliance policy and reports from FY 2010/2020 Trust services 25/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0485 Response FOI/2020/0485 - Staff annual leave requests denied Human Resources 25/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0486 Response FOI/2020/0486 - Trust’s taxi and patient transport services Transport 25/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0508 Response FOI/2020/0508 - Existing maintenance contract for flexible endoscope inventory Procurement 25/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0480 Response FOI/2020/0480 - Locum agency spend for doctors in acute settings and in the community Finance 24/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0481 Response FOI/2020/0481 - Podiatry services Trust services 24/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0479 Response FOI/2020/0479 - Endoscopy services Trust services 23/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0473 Response FOI/2020/0473 - Nellix Endovascular Aneurysm Sealing (EVAS) System to treat abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) Trust services 21/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0474 Response FOI/2020/0474 - Number of surgical theatres, induction rooms and anaesthetic machines Surgery 21/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0475 Response FOI/2020/0475 - Policies in 2015 on timeframes for assessment and intubation at A&E Trust policy 21/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0476 Response FOI/2020/0476 - Digital dictation system Information technology 21/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0471 Response FOI/2020/0471 - Job planning and third-party suppliers Human Resources 18/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0469 Response FOI/2020/0469 - Nursing agency usage Human Resources 17/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0470 Response FOI/2020/0470 - Request for all supplier invoices and purchase orders Finance 17/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0468 Response FOI/2020/0468 - Hydrotherapy provision Trust services 16/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0466 Response FOI/2020/0466 - COVID 19 Patient - Trust transferred ICU patients to private hospitals to free up beds Covid-19 15/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0463 Response FOI/2020/0463 - The total number of staff who have died from Covid 19 Covid-19 14/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0464 Response FOI/2020/0464 - CT and MRI scanner and data of head scans Imaging 14/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0465 Response FOI/2020/0465 - Prostrate cancer treatment complaints Complaints 14/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0461 Response FOI/2020/0461 - STP (Sustainability and Transformation Partnership) Trust services 11/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0455 Response FOI/2020/0455 - Service commission for acute hospital beds admissions in mental health care Trust services 10/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0457 Response FOI/2020/0457 - Diagnostic Healthcare Commissioners Trust services 10/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0458 Response FOI/2020/0458 - Exception reports Human Resources 10/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0459 Response FOI/2020/0459 - Number of babies delivered, caesarean section rate and number of obstetric theatres Maternity services 10/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0460 Response FOI/2020/0460 - Trust's current financial ledger system supplier Finance 10/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0447 Response FOI/2020/0447 - Usage of risk management and compliance IT systems Information technology 09/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0453 Response FOI/2020/0453 - Contact details for senior staff Human Resources 09/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0454 Response FOI/2020/0454 - Job titles with 'equality', 'diversity' or 'inclusion' and unconscious bias training Human Resources 09/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0451 Response FOI/2020/0451 - Ventilator related specified parameters Trust services 07/09/2020
FOI/2020/0449 - Reverse Mentoring Reverse mentoring Human resources 04/09/2020
Ref no FOI/2020/0450 Response FOI/2020/0450 - Trust staff who have died after contracting coronavirus Covid-19 04/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0448 Response FOI/2020/0448 - Patients who have requested referrals / second opinions for an existing treatment Patients 03/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0442 Response FOI/2020/0442 - MRI, CT and Angiography equipment Imaging 02/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0443 Response FOI/2020/0443 - Radiology department staffing Human Resources 02/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0444 Response FOI/2020/0444 - Staff contact details for Procurement and IT Information technology 02/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0446 Response FOI/2020/0446 - Complaints made by staff on grounds of ethnic background/ race Human Resources 02/09/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0440 Response FOI/2020/0440 - Interpreting and translation service Interpretation services 01/09/2020