Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
FOI2017255Response FOI2017255 Closure of maternity services and lack of provision of a midwife for a home birth Maternity services 07/04/2017
FOI2017253Response FOI2017253 Patients treated for malaria, cholera, ebola and typhoid Patients 07/04/2017
FOI2017256Response FOI2017256 Training fellowship posts within the Radiology department Imaging 07/04/2017
FOI2017257Response FOI2017257 Public health funerals Bereavement services 07/04/2017
FOI2017243Response FOI2017243 A&E beds and services; overseas patients Emergency Services 05/04/2017
FOI2017245Response FOI2017245 Foot protection service Trust services 05/04/2017
FOI2017248Response FOI2017248 Cataract procedures and supplier of infra ocular lenses Patients 05/04/2017
FOI2017238Response FOI2017238 A&E attendances for snakebites Patients 04/04/2017
FOI2017239Response FOI2017239 Provision of non-emergency patient transfer services Procurement 04/04/2017
FOI2017241Response FOI2017241 Cost of treating accident victims Finance 04/04/2017
FOI2017242Response FOI2017242 Podiatry services Trust services 04/04/2017
FOI2017232Response FOI2017232 Tenders for the collection and Simpson of waste Procurement 31/03/2017
FOI2017228Response FOI2017228 Contract for the dental laboratory managed service Procurement 30/03/2017
FOI2017223Response FOI2017223 Patients not eligible for NHS care Patients 29/03/2017
FOI2017224Response FOI2017224 Expenditure on validation of RTT codes Finance 29/03/2017
FOI2017225Response FOI2017225 Data capture in operating theatres Surgery 29/03/2017
FOI2017222Response FOI2017222 Insulin pump therapy Trust services 28/03/2017
FOI2017217Response FOI2017217 Babies born with drug addiction or drug dependency Patients 27/03/2017
FOI2017218Response FOI2017218 Patients diagnosed as being on the foetal alcohol spectrum Patients 27/03/2017
FOI2017219Response FOI2017219 Haemophilia patients treated Patient treatment 27/03/2017
FOI2017214Response FOI2017214 Details of the heads of estates and capital project managers Human resources 23/03/2017
FOI2017207Response FOI2017207 Patients referred for IVF treatment Patient treatment 22/03/2017
FOI2017208Response FOI2017208 Patient meals Trust services 22/03/2017
FOI2017210Response FOI2017210 Usage of antibiotics Pharmacy 22/03/2017
FOI2017198Response FOI2017198 Carbapenemase-producing organisms Infection control 21/03/2017
FOI2017200Response FOI2017200 Falls prevention and rheumatology patients Trust services 21/03/2017
FOI2017203Response FOI2017203 Consultants working in the community Human resources 21/03/2017
FOI2017204Response FOI2017204 Children treated for alcohol or drug related issues Patient treatment 21/03/2017
FOI2017195Response FOI2017195 Patients attending A&E in mental crisis or after self-harming Patients 20/03/2017
FOI2017197Response FOI2017197 Women receiving lumpectomies and mastectomies Patient treatment 20/03/2017
FOI2017189Response FOI2017189 Cost and number of tattoos removed Patient treatment 16/03/2017
FOI2017190Response FOI2017190 Consultants undertaking private work Human resources 16/03/2017
FOI2017191Response FOI2017191 References provided by job applicants Human resources 16/03/2017
FOI2017192Response FOI2017192 Use of rostering and rota management software Information technology 16/03/2017
FOI2017193Response FOI2017193 Risk management information Clinical governance 16/03/2017
FOI2017183Response FOI2017183 Clinical waste bag ties supplier Procurement 15/03/2017
FOI2017185Response FOI2017185 Locum doctors in the Radiology Department Human resources 15/03/2017
FOI2017186Response FOI2017186 Cyber security and cyber attacks Information technology 15/03/2017
FOI2017188Response FOI2017188 Thefts from patients Security 15/03/2017
FOI2017181Response FOI2017181 Falsified CVs by staff Human resources 14/03/2017
FOI2017182Response FOI2017182 Cancer patients treated with certain drugs Patient treatment 14/03/2017
FOI2017177Response FOI2017177 Non-UK EU national employees Human resources 13/03/2017
FOI2017178Response FOI2017178 Closure to admissions of the maternity unit Maternity services 13/03/2017
FOI2017170Response FOI2017171 Pathway for complex regional pain care system Patient treatment 10/03/2017
FOI2017172Response FOI2017172 Opthalmolgy services Trust services 10/03/2017
FOI2017173Response FOI2017173 Provision of patient food Trust services 10/03/2017
FOI2017175Response FOI2017175 Employee references Human resources 10/03/2017
FOI2017176Response FOI2017176 Honey wound dressings Procurement 10/03/2017
FOI2017165Response FOI2017165 Cancer patients treated with certain drugs Patient treatment 08/03/2017
FOI2017167Response FOI2017167 Referrals and waiting times for treament for female genital mutilation Patients 08/03/2017