Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.
If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.
Title | Description | FOI Category | Date Received |
Ref no FOI.2023.0943 Response | FOI/2023/0943 - Cancellation of planned surgical procedures | Patient treatment | 12/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0945 Response | FOI/2023/0945 - Staff details | Human resources | 13/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0946 Response | FOI/2023/0946 - Treatment of rare diseases; Fabry/ Gaucher/ Pompe disease | Pharmacy | 13/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0947 Response | FOI/2023/0947 - Tier 3 weight management service | Trust services | 13/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0948 Response | FOI/2023/0948 - Inpatient wards and bed capacity | Trust services | 14/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0950 Response | FOI/2023/0950 - Trust membership of Stonewall's Diversity Champion programme | Human resources | 14/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0954 Response | FOI/2023/0954 - Treatment of melanoma/ Renal cell carcinoma/ Oesophageal cancer | Cancer | 15/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0955 Response | FOI/2023/0955 - Citizenship of staff | Human resources | 15/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0957 Response | FOI/2023/0957 - Maternity services intervention statistics; still birth, elective C-section, emergency C-section | Maternity services | 18/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0958 Response | FOI/2023/0958 - Pension recycling and funding for employer pension contributions | Finance | 18/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0959 Response | FOI/2023/0959 - Endometriosis services | Women's health | 18/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0961 Response | FOI/2023/0961 - Robotic Process Automation staff details | Human resources | 19/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0963 Response | FOI/2023/0963 - Trust complaints policy | Trust policy | 21/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0965 Response | FOI/2023/0965 - NHS safe places/ unsuitable housing | Patient safety | 21/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0966 Response | FOI/2023/0966 - Health and Wellbeing Board (HWB) budget/ tender | Procurement | 21/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0968 Response | FOI/2023/0968 - UCL/UCLH SonaCare Medical agreement/ partnership 2013 | Finance | 27/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0970 Response | FOI/2023/0970 - Endometriosis wait time | Women's health | 27/12/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0001 Response | FOI/2024/0001 - Intrathecal therapy services/ spasticity service | Trust services | 02/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0002 Response | FOI/2024/0002 - Waiting times for hearing aids for adults | Patients | 02/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0003 Response | FOI/2024/0003 - Translation, interpretation and language service costs - 2019/20 to 2022/2023 | Interpretation | 02/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0006 Response | FOI/2024/0006 - Next of kin and adult safeguarding policies and procedures | Trust policy | 02/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0007 Response | FOI/2024/0007 - Clinical waste contracts | Procurement | 03/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0008 Response | FOI/2024/0008 - ICT testing practices | Information technology | 03/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0009 Response | FOI/2024/0009 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR) and Medical Device Integration (MDI) solution | Information technology | 03/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0010 Response | FOI/2024/0010 - Borderline Personality Disorder service | Trust services | 03/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0011 Response | FOI/2024/0011 - Pest control | Estates and facilities | 04/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0012 Response | FOI/2024/0012 - Paediatric asthma wait time and referrals | Patients | 04/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0013 Response | FOI/2024/0013 - Medications within dermatology and respiratory medicine | Pharmacy | 04/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0014 Response | FOI/2024/0014 - Hospital parking charges | Estates and facilities | 04/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0015 Response | FOI/2024/0015 - Thornbury Nursing services November-December 2023 | Procurement | 04/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0016 Response | FOI/2024/0016 - Review of incident in Huntley Street in 2023 | Security | 04/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0019 Response | FOI/2024/0019 - Ambulatory electrocardiogram (EKG or ECG) recording | Procurement | 05/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0021 Response | FOI/2024/0021 - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) | Patients | 05/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0017 Response | FOI/2024/0017 - Assault attendances to Emergency Department 2023 | Emergency services | 08/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0024 Response | FOI/2024/0024 - Paediatric recovery service | Trust services | 08/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0025 Response | FOI/2024/0025 - Locum doctors/ doctors in Emergency Department | Human resources | 08/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0027 Response | FOI/2024/0027 - IPC (Intermittent Pneumatic Compression sleeves) purchases | Procurement | 10/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0028 Response | FOI/2024/0028 - Anti-Embolism Stockings purchases | Procurement | 10/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0029 Response | FOI/2024/0029 - Staff attendance at Oracle Cloudworld 2023 event | Human resources | 10/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0030 Response | FOI/2024/0030 - Total cost for all translation and interpretation activities 2021/22-2022/23 | Interpretation | 10/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0032 Response | FOI/2024/0032 - Skin asepsis solution used in skin preparation/ cleaning process | Patient treatment | 10/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0022 Response | FOI/2024/0022 - Policies and procedures for employee led complaints | Trust policy | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0034 Response | FOI/2024/0034 - Policies and procedures for Subject Access and Data Protection requests | Information governance | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0035 Response | FOI/2024/0035 - Expenditure on clinical insourcing services | Finance | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0036 Response | FOI/2024/0036 - Divisional directors in medicine and surgery staff | Human resources | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0037 Response | FOI/2024/0037 - Midwifery red flag incidents from 2019 to 2023 | Patient safety | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0038 Response | FOI/2024/0038 - Contracts for Medical, Nursing, Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and bank staff | Procurement | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0039 Response | FOI/2024/0039 - FGM support clinics | Women's health | 11/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0042 Response | FOI/2024/0042 - CT and MRI machines at Trust from 2019-2023 | Imaging | 12/01/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0043 Response | FOI/2024/0043 - Derogations following junior doctors strikes | Trust planning | 12/01/2024 |