Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.
If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.
Title | Description | FOI Category | Date Received |
Ref no FOI.2024.0273 Response | FOI/2024/0273 - Covid restrictions for visitors at Elizabeth Garret Anderson (EGA) from December 2021-June 2022 | Covid-19 | 18/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0274 Response | FOI/2024/0274 - Number of endoscopes at Trust | Procurement | 18/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0275 Response | FOI/2024/0275 - Sterile services agency supply/ usage | Human resources | 18/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0277 Response | FOI/2024/0277 - Paediatric respiratory admission rates 2018-2023 | Patients | 19/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0278 Response | FOI/2024/0278 - Research for rare disease services 2018/19-2022/23 | Research and development | 20/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0279 Response | FOI/2024/0279 - Social media management platforms and tools | Procurement | 20/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0281 Response | FOI/2024/0281 - Cashiers/ general office | Trust services | 20/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0283 Response | FOI/2024/0283 - Cyber security/ cyber attack | Security | 20/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0285 Response | FOI/2024/0285 - Private patient non-contractual tariffs | Finance | 21/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0287 Response | FOI/2024/0287 - Delays in induction of labour, caesarean sections due to bed/ staff shortages | Patient safety | 21/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0288 Response | FOI/2024/0288 - Maternity ward closure for new admissions 2019-2023 | Maternity services | 21/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0290 Response | FOI/2024/0290 - Flexible endoscope inventory/ service supplier/ contract | Procurement | 21/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0291 Response | FOI/2024/0291 - Private patient income 2020-2023 | Trust services | 21/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0293 Response | FOI/2024/0293 - Names and contact details of senior leadership | Human resources | 22/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0294 Response | FOI/2024/0294 - Tier 4 weight management service costs 2018/19-2022/23 | Finance | 22/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0295 Response | FOI/2024/0295 - MRI scanners at Trust 2019/2020 and 2022/24 | Imaging | 22/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0297 Response | FOI/2024/0297 - Policy for parasitic infestation assessment and treatment of patients | Trust policy | 22/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0298 Response | FOI/2024/0298 - Request for expenditure over £25,000 for January 2024 | Finance | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0299 Response | FOI/2024/0299 - Property maintenance and surveying services | Estates and facilities | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0300 Response | FOI/2024/0300 - Laundry services supplier/ contract | Procurement | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0301 Response | FOI/2024/0301 - Nursing associates and trainee nursing associates policy | Trust policy | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0302 Response | FOI/2024/0302 - Mental health diagnosis for patients aged 11 to 25 | Trust services | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0303 Response | FOI/2024/0303 - Lost histology (histopathology) specimens/ sample tracking systems | Trust services | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0304 Response | FOI/2024/0304 - Emergency medicine agency/ locum/ bank doctors January 2024-March 2024 | Finance | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0305 Response | FOI/2024/0305 - Software for Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) solution | Procurement | 26/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0306 Response | FOI/2024/0306 - Blood culture practices and central line infection diagnosis | Infection control | 27/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0308 Response | FOI/2024/0308 - Misuse of Electronic Patient Record systems (EPRS) | Security | 27/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0310 Response | FOI/2024/0310 - Long Covid services | Covid-19 | 28/03/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0311 Response | FOI/2024/0311 - Computer Aided Facilities Management/ Space Management (CAFM) services | Estates and facilities | 02/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0312 Response | FOI/2024/0312 - Cleaning brushes and theatre equipment in sterilisation decontamination unit | Procurement | 02/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0313 Response | FOI/2024/0313 - Collection and disposal process of placentas and cord blood | Trust services | 02/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0317 Response | FOI/2024/0317 - Physician associate/ Anaesthesia associate shift hours 2010-2023 | Human resources | 03/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0318 Response | FOI/2024/0318 - Patients absconded from medium/ high-security psychiatric facilities | Trust services | 03/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0319 Response | FOI/2024/0319 - Trust expenditure over £25,000 for January 2024 | Finance | 03/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0320 Response | FOI/2024/0320 - Treatment for rare diseases; fabry, gaucher and pompe diseases | Pharmacy | 03/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0321 Response | FOI/2024/0321 - Senior cover present in obstetric recovery | Women's health | 03/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0325 Response | FOI/2024/0325 - Spend on settlement agreements | Finance | 04/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0326 Response | FOI/2024/0326 - Treatment of Haemophilia B and Von Willebrand disease | Pharmacy | 04/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0327 Response | FOI/2024/0327 - Treatment of non-UK nationals | Patients | 04/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0329 Response | FOI/2024/0329 - Metastatic renal cell carcinoma patients/ classification | Patients | 04/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0330 Response | FOI/2024/0330 - Off-framework agency spend/ staff contact details | Procurement | 05/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0331 Response | FOI/2024/0331 - Master/ neutral vendor arrangement | Procurement | 05/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0333 Response | FOI/2024/0333 - Elective treatment wait over 65 weeks | Patients | 05/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0334 Response | FOI/2024/0334 - Insource and outsource provideres/ spend for pre and post covid | Finance | 05/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0335 Response | FOI/2024/0335 - Cancer diagnosis by gender and age 2019/20-2023/24 | Cancer | 08/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0336 Response | FOI/2024/0336 - Special leave policy | Trust policy | 08/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0337 Response | FOI/2024/0337 - IVF clinical unit/ embryology laboratory | Women's health | 08/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0338 Response | FOI/2024/0338 - Ophthalmology outpatient activity 2022, 2023 and 2024 | Trust services | 08/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0339 Response | FOI/2024/0339 - PACS, VNA, RIS, digital pathology and cardiology PACS systems | Information technology | 08/04/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0340 Response | FOI/2024/0340 - Medical devices/ EBME devices providers | Procurement | 08/04/2024 |