From 1 April 2023, as planned this pilot service has been temporarily paused while we seek sustainable long-term funding. All other RESPOND services will continue to be available.
The pilot started in October 2021 to assess the needs of asylum seeker and refugee children and adults, and improve access to health and social care. The service has seen approximately 1,200 people a year, for a one-stop nurse-led appointment, care planning and onward referral.
We offer a one-hour, one-off appointment with a nurse specialist in the community (contingency hotel or primary care), to asylum-seeking adults and children living in temporary home office accommodation in Camden, Islington, Haringey and Barnet.
The health needs assessment includes:
- Review of physical, dental, sexual and women's health, mental health and social, educational and developmental needs (for children)
- Height, weight and blood pressure measurement
- Full blood count, renal and liver profile, bone profile, vitamin D level, cholesterol, HbA1C
- Panel infection screening, based on up-to-date guidance and evidence:
- blood: schistosomiasis, strongyloides, hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis
- urine: chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT (when appropriate)
- stool: parasitic examination.
Common onward referrals include primary care, mental health, musculoskeletal, paediatric, infectious diseases, safeguarding and third sector services.
An integrated care plan will be provided to the service user, GP and other appropriate professionals summarising results and actions, to ensure that information is available if the person is relocated.
Email uclh.