GP news and updates
20 January 2021
As part of our COVID response, clinicians now triage imaging requests using our electronic health records system by writing the word Red, Amber or Green in the clinical indication.
20 January 2021
Further information on access to diagnostics in cardiology, endoscopy, imaging and gynaecology departments at UCLH.
20 January 2021
Our outpatient clinics will remain predominantly virtual throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Please continue to refer via the NHS e-referral service.
21 December 2020
We want to make you aware that our children and young people’s teams will be available throughout the holiday period to provide advice and support when needed.
23 June 2020
The Integrated Children and Adolescent Service is a long-established outpatient service of the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine at UCLH.
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