TRCN SCD Rolling Teaching Programme -  Week 1: Introduction to Sickle Cell Disorder

Topics discussed included Epidemiology, Inheritance, Pathophysiology, Misconceptions and Inequalities.

Week 1 Presentation Slides: Introduction to SCD


Topics discussed included VOC, Acute Chest Syndrome, Splenic Sequestration, Stroke and Fat Emboli Syndrome.

Week 2 Presentation Slides: Complications in SCD


Topics discussed included Hydroxycarbamide, RCE,  TuT/transfusion program, Crizanlizumab and Voxeletor.

Week 3 Presentation Slides: Treatment Options in SCD

Dr Perla Eleftheriou hosted a further teaching session on Treatment Options in SCD on Thursday 22 September 2022. 


Topics discussed included Chronic Pain, Acute Pain, PKR and PCA.

Week 4 Presentation Slides: Pain Management


Topics discussed included Analgesia, Assessment and MEDL.

Week 5 Presentation Slides: Initial Presentation with SC Pain


Topics discussed included monitoring, analgesia, fluid balance and signs of deterioration.

Week 6 Presentation Slides: Basic Nursing Care


Our final week of the programme covered Patient Experience. Two patients kindly discussed their experience of SCD, their experience of hospitals and improvements they feel need to be made to the service.


The Red Cell Network are pleased to announce that the bite size sessions have been accredited by the RCN, which means you will be awarded 6 CPD hours with a certificate upon completion of the quizzes.

Week 1 Quiz

Week 2 Quiz

Week 3 Quiz

Week 4 Quiz

Week 5 Quiz

Week 6 Quiz

Week 7 Quiz