Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.
If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.
Title | Description | FOI Category | Date Received |
Ref no FOI.2024.0115 Response | FOI/2024/0115 - Liver function tests | Patients | 05/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0116 Response | FOI/2024/0116 - Patient treatment due to noise levels of the London Underground | Patients | 05/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0117 Response | FOI/2024/0117 - Trust performance against the 4-hour A&E target | Emergency services | 05/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0118 Response | FOI/2024/0118 - Menopause support for staff | Human resources | 06/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0121 Response | FOI/2024/0121 - Migraine treatments | Pharmacy | 06/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0124 Response | FOI/2024/0124 - Food hygiene inspection | Safety | 07/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0125 Response | FOI/2024/0125 - Dogs in healthcare/ assistance dog Policy | Trust services | 07/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0126 Response | FOI/2024/0126 - Ophthalmology RTT pathway | Trust services | 07/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0127 Response | FOI/2024/0127 - Ophthalmology services wet-AMD injections | Trust services | 08/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0128 Response | FOI/2024/0128 - Post mortem cardiac device interrogation | Cardiac services | 08/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0129 Response | FOI/2024/0129 - Nursing associate and anaesthesia associate staffing | Human resources | 08/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0130 Response | FOI/2024/0130 - ME/ CFS/ Fibromyalgia services | Trust services | 08/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0131 Response | FOI/2024/0131 - Alpha-1 Proteinase-Inhibitor (AAT) purchased in 2023 | Procurement | 08/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0132 Response | FOI/2024/0132 - Cancer patients diagnosed in A&E | Cancer | 09/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0133 Response | FOI/2024/0133 - Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS) | Transport | 09/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0134 Response | FOI/2024/0134 - Joint infection services for paediatric/ adult patients | Trust services | 09/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0136 Response | FOI/2024/0136 - Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) cases from 2014-February 2024 | Women's health | 09/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0137 Response | FOI/2024/0137 - IT systems LIMS, MIS, OIS | Information technology | 09/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0138 Response | FOI/2024/0138 - Pulse Dashboard MyChart Diamond | Patients | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0140 Response | FOI/2024/0140 - Operations cancelled due to low levels of staffing 2019-2023 | Patient safety | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0141 Response | FOI/2024/0141 - Mouth cancer cases | Cancer | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0143 Response | FOI/2024/0143 - Individuals arriving at A&E not in an ambulance | Emergency services | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0144 Response | FOI/2024/0144 - Breast cancer treatment | Cancer | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0146 Response | FOI/2024/0146 - Appointment booking | Trust services | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0147 Response | FOI/2024/0147 - Permits to Work | Human resources | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0148 Response | FOI/2024/0148 - Cleaning audit system at Trust | Procurement | 12/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0149 Response | FOI/2024/0149 - National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) admissions 2018-2023 | Hospital admission | 13/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0150 Response | FOI/2024/0150 - PAS, EHR and task management systems | Information technology | 13/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0151 Response | FOI/2024/0151 - A&E decision-to-admit wait times 2019-2023 | Emergency services | 13/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0155 Response | FOI/2024/0155 - Immunotherapy treatments for lung cancer | Cancer | 14/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0156 Response | FOI/2024/0156 - Value licensing - Microsoft software assets | Information technology | 14/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0158 Response | FOI/2024/0158 - Procedures cancelled due to issues with defective diagnostic equipment | Safety | 14/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0162 Response | FOI/2024/0162 - Various technology systems/ services used at Trust | Information technology | 15/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0163 Response | FOI/2024/0163 - Renal cell carcinoma and melanoma treatments | Cancer | 15/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0166 Response | FOI/2024/0166 - Recruitment systems/CRM platform | Information technology | 15/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0170 Response | FOI/2024/0170 - Nurse and Midwife referrals to the Nursing and Midwifery Council from 2019-2023 | Human resources | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0168 Response | FOI/2024/0168 - ADHD assessments/ referrals/ wait lists 2018-2023 | Trust services | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0169 Response | FOI/2024/0169 - Medical emergency protocols | Clinical governance | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0171 Response | FOI/2024/0171 - Dermatology consultants | Human resources | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0172 Response | FOI/2024/0172 - Patients excluded from care at the Trust 2010-2023 | Patients | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0173 Response | FOI/2024/0173 - Clinical insourcing services 2023/24 | Procurement | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0175 Response | FOI/2024/0175 - Waste management net zero agenda | Estates and facilities | 16/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0179 Response | FOI/2024/0179 - Water usage/ procurement | Estates and facilities | 20/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0180 Response | FOI/2024/0180 - Paper only medical records | Trust services | 20/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0182 Response | FOI/2024/0182 - Women diagnosed with Endometriosis 2019 to 2023 | Women's health | 21/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0183 Response | FOI/2024/0183 - Immunology Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatment | Pharmacy | 23/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0184 Response | FOI/2024/0184 - IT spend/ Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) EMRAM and INFRAM scores | Information technology | 23/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0185 Response | FOI/2024/0185 - Unconscious bias training 2022/23 | Human resources | 23/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0186 Response | FOI/2024/0186 - Clinical trials cancer/ erectile function/ continence following HIFU | Research and development | 26/02/2024 |
Ref no FOI.2024.0190 Response | FOI/2024/0190 - Scheduled appointments Did Not Attend (DNA) 2019-2023 | Patients | 26/02/2024 |