Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.
If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.
Title | Description | FOI Category | Date Received |
FOI/2020/0449 - Reverse Mentoring | Reverse mentoring | Human resources | 04/09/2020 |
FOI201701Response | FOI201701 Storage of configuration environments | Information technology | 03/01/2017 |
FOI201702Response | FOI201702 Trust Guidelines for Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Prophylaxis in Surgical Patients | Patient treatment | 03/01/2017 |
FOI201703Response | FOI201703 Patients treated for cancer; car parking facilities for visiting families | Patient treatment | 03/01/2017 |
FOI201705Response | FOI201705 Cost of agency midwives | Human resources | 04/01/2017 |
FOI201706Response | FOI201706 Use of dummy appointments | Patients | 04/01/2017 |
FOI201707Response | FOI201707 Traffic accidents involving cyclists | Patients | 05/01/2017 |
FOI201708Response | FOI201708 Business case for Epic | Finance | 05/01/2017 |
FOI201709Response | FOI201709 Various services; annual accounts | Finance | 05/01/2017 |
FOI2017102Response | FOI2017102 Junk food and snacks | Trust services | 08/02/2017 |
FOI2017105Response | FOI2017105 Hospital security | Security | 08/02/2017 |
FOI2017107Response | FOI2017107 Number of physical attacks on staff, patients and visitors | Security | 09/02/2017 |
FOI2017109Response | FOI2017109 Asbestos in buildings and claims by staff | Estates and Facilities | 09/02/2017 |
FOI2017110Response | FOI2017110 DNRs placed upon patients | Patients | 09/02/2017 |
FOI2017111Response | FOI2017111 Trust maintenance and pest control services | Estates and Facilities | 10/02/2017 |
FOI2017112Response | FOI2017112 Trust policies | Trust policy | 10/02/2017 |
FOI2017114Response | FOI2017114 Cardiology electrophysiology equipment | Procurement | 10/02/2017 |
FOI2017115Response | FOI2017115 Publications relating to learning from complaints, claims, incidents, serious incidents, events and inquests | Trust publications | 10/02/2017 |
FOI2017116Response | FOI2017116 IT provision and IT budget | Information technology | 13/02/2017 |
FOI2017117Response | FOI2017117 Freedom of Information Act requests | Trust services | 14/02/2017 |
FOI2017118Response | FOI2017118 A&E staff and beds | Emergency Services | 14/02/2017 |
FOI2017119Response | FOI2017119 Diagnosis and treatment of Alzheimer disease patients | Patients | 15/02/2017 |
FOI201711Response | FOI201711 Systems used for BACS and direct debit payments | Information technology | 06/01/2017 |
FOI2017121Response | FOI2017121 Serious untoward incidents | Clinical governance | 15/02/2017 |
FOI2017122Response | FOI2017122 British sign language interpretors | Interpretation | 16/02/2017 |
FOI2017123Response | FOI2017123 Information on the price paid, total expenditure and total volume held of Cyanide antidotes, Levothyroxine and Primidone medications | Pharmacy | 16/02/2017 |
FOI2017124Response | FOI2017124 Endoscopy systems | Information technology | 16/02/2017 |
FOI2017125Response | FOI2017125 Restraint of patients | Patient safety | 16/02/2017 |
FOI2017126Response | FOI2017126 Staff infected by blood-borne virus by patients | Infection control | 16/02/2017 |
FOI2017127Response | FOI2017127 Superbug infections | Infection control | 16/02/2017 |
FOI2017128Response | FOI2017128 Learning disability training | Human resources | 17/02/2017 |
FOI2017129Response | FOI2017129 Water hygiene | Estates and Facilities | 20/02/2017 |
FOI2017130Response | FOI2017130 Babies born with drug addiction | Patients | 20/02/2017 |
FOI2017132Response | FOI2017132 Photocopiers, multifunction devices and printers | Information technology | 12/02/2017 |
FOI2017133Response | FOI2017133 IT strategy/bussiness plan | Trust publications | 21/02/2017 |
FOI2017134Response | FOI2017134 Multilingualism management in hospitals and clinics | Trust services | 21/02/2017 |
FOI2017135Response | FOI2017135 Admissions to the trust for any bacterial or viral infections; staff sickness absence | Infection control | 21/02/2017 |
FOI2017136Response | FOI2017136 Injuries from instruments suffered by babies during delivery | Maternity services | 21/02/2017 |
FOI2017137Response | FOI2017137 Procurement on behalf of the Shelford Group | Procurement | 22/02/2017 |
FOI2017138Response | FOI2017138 Staff employed in a diversity/equality role | Human resources | 22/02/2017 |
FOI2017139Response | FOI2017139 Electrophysiology services | Trust services | 23/02/2017 |
FOI201713Response | FOI201713 Trust use of the British Red Cross | Patient treatment | 09/01/2017 |
FOI2017140Response | FOI2017140 Dress code policy | Trust policy | 23/02/2017 |
FOI2017141Response | FOI2017141 Provision of aids to patients having had total hip replacements | Patients | 23/02/2017 |
FOI2017142Response | FOI2017142 Car parking charges | Estates and Facilities | 24/02/2017 |
FOI2017143Response | FOI2017143 Information sharing agreements and data mapping | Information governance | 24/02/2017 |
FOI2017144Response | FOI2017144 Theft of entenox and nitrous oxide | Security | 24/02/2017 |
FOI2017145Response | FOI2017145 Car park management | Estates and Facilities | 24/02/2017 |
FOI2017146Response | FOI2017146 Staff contact details | Human resources | 27/02/2017 |
FOI2017147Response | FOI2017147 | Trust policy | 27/02/2017 |