Council of Governors elections 2024

Voting in this year’s Council of Governors elections closed on 31 July and the following candidates were successfully elected:

Constituency Governors
  • Rebeca Fiadeiro
  • Helen Forgacs (re-elected)
  • David Raine
  • Jan Stockdale (re-elected)
  • Sanjay Pooran
Staff: Non-Clinical
  • Lizzy Cubitt
Staff: Nursing and Midwifery
  • Emily Westbrook
Staff: Medical and Dental
  • John Duncan

A breakdown of voting is available on request via

Council of Governors Elections Results 2023

The following candidates were successfully elected:

Constituency Governors

Bonnie Chu

Heather MacGregor

David Freedman

Patient: London based

Fiona McLean (re-elected)

Agnes Kory

Emma Manuel Szelepet (re-elected)

Patient: carer Jeanette Dye (elected unopposed)
Staff: Nursing and Midwifery Anna Collinson (elected unopposed)

A breakdown of voting is available on request via

Council of Governors Elections Results 2022




Alex De Mont (re-elected)

Patient: London Based

Sally Mackenzie

Kevin Lau

Vincent Wolf (re-elected)

Susan Wolfe

Patient: Out of London

Philip Matthews (re-elected)

Staff: Non-clinical

Lami Akinsanya (elected unopposed)

Victoria Banks (elected unopposed)

Staff: Other clinical

Prince Amoah-Kusi (elected unopposed)

Council of Governors Election Results 2021




Beverley Bryant

Patient: London Based

Janet (Jan) Stockdale

Helen Forgacs

Mary Pickersgill

Amran Hussain

Staff: Nurses and Midwives

Elizabeth Keenan

Staff: Non-clinical

Allesa Baptiste (re-elected)

Staff: Medical and Dental

John Duncan

Council of Governors election results 2020




Brian Steve Potter (re-elected)

Isaac Kohn (re-elected)

Pam Peers

London Based Patients

Emma Manuel Szelepet
Gilbert Howarth

Non-London based patients

Fiona McLean

Michael Goss (re-elected)


Rosalind Nicole Jacobs

Staff: Nurses and Midwives

Anna Collinson

Governing Body Election Results 2019

Constituency Governor
Public Alexander De Mont
London Based Patients

Helen Wheatley
Graham Cooper (re-elected)
Ann Fahey (re-elected)
Jenny Headlam-Wells

Non-London based patients Annabel Kanabus
Staff: Non-Clinical Innica Halsey
Staff: Other Clinical Josie Turgill-Clarke

Governing Body Election Results 2018

The result of the election in 2018, which took place in accordance with Electoral Commision guidelines is below:

Constituency Governor
Public Frances Lefford (re-elected)
London Based Patients

Sally Bennett
Andrew Todd-Pokropek
Jonathan Harper

Non-London based patients Maggie Clinton
Staff: Medical and Dental Richard Cohen
Staff: Non-Clinical Allesa Baptiste
Staff: Nurses and Midwives Caroline Dux (re-elected)

Governing Body Election Results 2016

The result of the election in 2016, which took place in accordance with Electoral Commission guidelines, is published below:

Constituency Governor
Public Maggie Gormley
London Based Patients Veronica Beechey (re-elected)
Emma Dalton (re-elected)
Graham Cooper
Jo Wagerman
Non-London based patients Gareth Long (elected unopposed)
Staff: Other clinical Jessica Lipman (elected unopposed)
Staff: Non-clinical Janet Clarke
Staff: Nurses and Midwives Josie Gladney (elected unopposed)

Governing Body Election Results 2015

The result of the election in 2015, which took place in accordance with Electoral Commission guidelines, is published below:

Constituency Governor
Public Frances Lefford
London Based Patients John Bird (re-elected)
Adam Elliott
John Knight (re-elected)
Non-London based patients Leslie Brantingham
Staff: Medical and Dental Practitioners Kathryn Harley
Staff: Non-clinical Wayne Sexton
Staff: Nurses and Midwives Caroline Dux (elected unopposed)

Governing Body Election Results 2014

The result of the election in 2014, which took place in accordance with Electoral Commission guidelines, is published below:

Constituency Governor
Public David Coulter (re-elected)
Diana Scarrott (re-elected)
London Based Patients John Green
Christine Mackenzie
Non-London based patients Annabel Kanabus
Patient carer Ros Jacobs (re-elected)

Governing Body Election Results 2013

Governing Body Election Results Successful Candidate Constituency
Fazlul Chowdhury Public
Veronica Beechey
Emma Dalton
Fiona McKenzie (re-elected)
Andrew Todd-Pokropek
London Based Patients
Stuart Shurlock (re-elected) Non-London based patients
Andrei Morgan (elected unopposed) Staff – Medical and Dental practitioners
Stephen Rowley Staff – Nurses and midwives
Fiona Henderson Staff – Other clinical
Tom Hughes (re-elected) Staff – Non-clinical

Governing Body Election Results 2012

Governing Body Election Results Successful Candidate Constituency
Alison Forbes (re-elected) Public
Dee Carter (re-elected) London Based Patients
John Bird London Based Patients
John Knight London Based Patients
Joan Bell (re-elected) Non-London Based Patients
Sheila Hinton Staff: Non Clinical
Darren Barnes Staff: Nurses and Midwives

Governing Body Election Results 2011

Governing Body Election Results Successful Candidate Constituency
David Coulter Public
Diana Scarrott Public
Andrea Kennedy London Based Patients
Bill McAlister London Based Patients
Emma Manuel Szelepet* London Based Patients
Christine Chapman Non-London Based Patients
Rosalind Jacobs Carer

Governing Body Election Results 2010

Governing Body Election Results Successful Candidate Constituency
Patricia Orwell (re-elected) Public
Peter Brayshaw (re-elected) Local Patient
Diane Wales Local Patient
Alison Forbes Regional Patient
John Green Regional Patient
Fiona McKenzie Regional Patient
Stuart Shurlock (unopposed) National Patient
Tom Hughes Admin & Clerical, Estates, and Ancillary staff governor
Malcolm Barnicoat HCA, support, scientific, therapeutic, and technical staff governor
Fion Bremner Medical & Dental staff governor
Caroline Dux (unopposed) Nursing and Midwifery staff governor

Governing Body Election Results 2009

Governing Body members Constituency
Amanda Gibbon (re-elected) Public
Bonnie Wallace (re-elected) Local Patient
Dee Carter Local Patient
Veronica Beechey (re-elected) Regional
Anthony Baylord Regional
Joan Bell National
Lorraine Beirne Staff
Marcia Persaud (unopposed) Staff

Governing Body Election Results 2008

Governing Body Election Results (successful candidates) Constituency
Wendy de Silva (re-elected) Public
Christine Mackenzie (re-elected) Local Patient
Marcus Carr Regional
Maureen-Rose Brown National
Carol Hart (unopposed) Patient carer

Governing Body Election Results 2007

Governing Body Election Results (successful candidates) Constituency
Tricia Pank (re-elected) Local Patient
Mary Shelley (re-elected) Regional
Kevin Ryan (re-elected) National
Janet Clarke(re-elected) Staff – Admin & Clerical, Estates & Ancillary
Patricia Orwell Public
Peter Brayshaw Local Patient
John Arthur Thomas Harrison Regional
Dr Mark Gaze Staff, Medical and Dental
Craig Wood and Caroline Dux Staff, Nursing & Midwifery
Raj Davé Staff, HCA

Governing Body Election Results 2006

Governing Body Election Results (successful candidates) Constituency
Amanda Gibbon (re-elected) Public
Clive Saville (re-elected) Local patient
Bonnie Wallace Local patient
Veronica Beechey (re-elected) Regional
Clifford Hewson Regional
Peter Davison (unopposed) National
Michael Lee (unopposed) Carer

Governing Body Election Results 2005

Governing Body Election Results (successful candidates) Constituency
Wendy DaSilva (re-elected) Public
Christine MacKenzie (re-elected) Local
Paul Ostro (unopposed) Staff, HCA
Carol Hart (unopposed) Regional
Pal Luthra (unopposed) Regional
Jakki Mellor-Ellis (unopposed) Regional