UCLH to drive forward research in cell therapies for solid tumours
04 February 2025
Publish date: 17 July 2023
We have had many families contacting us recently requesting early delivery of sensors due to going on holiday, or asking when or how to report failed or faulty sensors. It is important to report any issues with sensors, so you do not find yourself short of supplies before the next delivery.
We have contacted the companies for clarity and information is listed below:
Early shipment
Dexcom will allow you to bring your order forward by 10 days without hospital approval.
Until the end of August, we have agreed that any shipment can be brought forward without hospital approval. Your next scheduled delivery will remain at the same date. You will not receive additional sensors.
Reporting failed/faulty sensors
This needs to be done via Technical Support either of two ways:
1. Complete the online support request at any time
2. Call 0800 031 5763 during the following times: Monday - Friday 07:00 - 18:00, Saturday & Sunday, 08:00 - 16:30
Early shipment
Contact your community pharmacist in the first instance to see whether extra sensors can be dispensed on your repeat prescription.
If the pharmacy cannot authorise this, you will need to contact your GP to request another repeat prescription.
Reporting failed/faulty sensors
Visit www.
Early shipment
Please contact us, so we can discuss with Medtronic updating your account.
Reporting failed/faulty sensors
Report immediately via the Medtronic helpline at 01923 205167
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