We understand that being affected by cancer or a blood condition can have a big impact on you and those close to you. Whether you’re a patient, family member, friend or carer, we’re here to support you.

We believe that with the right support and information at the right time, you can manage your condition and its impact well.

We are a team of healthcare professionals who provide emotional support, information and practical advice. We want you and those around you to feel listened to, understood and informed. You can talk to us in confidence about anything you may be worried about or need information on. 

You can drop in to the Support and Information Service Monday to Friday, between 9.30am and 4.45pm. 

You can also call us on 020 3447 3816 or email us on uclh.supportandinformation@nhs.net.

Here are the services we provide:

Whatever you need to talk about, from coping with your emotions, to talking to children or those close to you, we’re here to help. As well as having our large open Living Room, we have small rooms we can use if you want to talk in private.

We have a range of leaflets and booklets about cancer types, blood conditions, treatments, living with and beyond cancer, work and finances, and many other topics.

We can also find you information available on the internet.

We can support you if you have practical concerns such as:

  • worries about your work
  • how to manage the side-effects of your treatment.

We can also refer you to our welfare and benefits team if you have money worries.

We offer a wellbeing programme of workshops, courses and events and support groups for people affected by cancer and blood conditions. It is designed to help you, and those close to you, to cope with the impact your diagnosis and treatment has on you. These activities are often a good opportunity to meet other people to share experiences.

You are welcome to come in and have a cup of tea or coffee while you wait for your appointment or gather your thoughts before going home.

Support and information video

Video about support and information available at the UCLH Macmillan Support and Information Service for people affected by cancer or a blood condition.

Patient feedback

I was in shock, looking for information... I came in and spoke to a specialist. It was the start of something incredibly supportive.

Time to sit, gather thoughts, with a cup of tea. It feels safe here. The team are around if and when you need them. It is a wonderful space.

Great to have a place to simply ‘be’ and feel like I can just talk if I want to or not. Thanks for being so caring.