For updates and more information about library services and support, please check the UCL Library Services website.
UCLH library services consists of a partnership of three medical and healthcare libraries supporting UCLH NHS Foundation Trust. One library is managed by the trust, and two libraries are part of UCL.
UCLH staff and students should initially register with their home library, which is either your nearest one, or the one covering your speciality. Joining instructions and further details can be found on the libraries’ websites. The libraries are:
Located at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine
Focus: Complementary therapy and alternative medicine - Queen Square Library (UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology)
Located near the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
Focus: Neurology, neurosurgery - UCL Cruciform Hub
Located near University College Hospital
Focus: Clinical medicine, nursing, midwifery, allied health, dentistry, oral health, ENT
Joining one of the two UCL libraries above also provides access to all other UCL libraries.
The libraries provide a range of services to support UCLH staff, including:
- Multidisciplinary and specialist materials
- Study space
- IT facilities
- Book loans
- Enquiry services
- Information skills training
- Literature searching
- Current awareness: including KnowledgeShare tailored email alerts
- Document supply
Please ask library staff for help with accessing and using any of the services available to you.
A range of electronic resources are accessible with a personal NHS OpenAthens account. Log into the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub for UCLH with your NHS OpenAthens account to see the full text and other resources available to you. BrowZine provides an A-Z list of available full-text journals and can be accessed via the Knowledge and Library Hub or directly. Any UCLH staff member may register for an NHS OpenAthens account using the registration form available at
The Knowledge and Library Hub provides access to high quality knowledge and evidence resources in one place. This includes:
- Clinical decision support resources: BMJ Best Practice, NICE Guidance, British National Formulary (BNF), British National Formulary for Children (BNFc), and Clinical Knowledge Summaries.
- Evidence based resources: Cochrane Library, Stem Cell Evidence Library, Transfusion Evidence Library, TRIP Pro, and the Royal Marsden Manual of Clinical Nursing Procedures.
- Healthcare databases: AMED, British Nursing Index (BNI), CINAHL, Embase, Emcare, HMIC, Medline, PsycINFO, Social Policy and Practice.
- E-journals: collections include BMJ Journals, Health Research Premium Collection, PsycARTICLES, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences.
- E-books: collections include Clinical Key, Oxford Medicine Online, Kortext eBooks, and Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines.
The following additional online services are also available to UCLH staff on-site and remotely:
- UpToDate (access first from a UCLH computer to download the app)
- Open access repository UCL Discovery Plus
- Reference management software EndNote (registration instructions available from your UCL home library).
More resources are accessible to UCL library members from dedicated computers located in the UCL libraries, including more than 40,000 full-text e-journals, UCL's e-books and a number of databases (over and above those available via NHS OpenAthens), such as Scopus and Web of Science. Please see the UCL Library website for full details.
Please contact your UCL home library for help with accessing and using any of the resources available to you.