- A guide for inpatients (NHNN)
- A guide to autologous stem cell transplant
- A guide to choosing diabetes technology (Children and Young People's Diabetes)
- A guide to having an ascitic drainage
- A nourishing plant-based diet
- A quick guide to the most common benefits: information for people with cancer and blood conditions
- Abdominal Pain
- Abdominoperineal excision of rectum (APER)
- About artificial breathing tubes (tracheostomy tubes)
- Achalasia – diagnosis and treatment
- Acinetobacter
- Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
- Activity Management: for Young People Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Acute Oncology Service (AOS)
- Adenomyosis
- Adolescent Critical Care Unit ACCU
- Adolescent gynaecology clinic
- Adolescent Social Work Service
- Adolescent Transition Clinic
- Adrenal surgery
- Adult allergy service
- Adult Auditory Implants and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
- Adult cerebral palsy and neuro-disability service
- Adult Diagnostics Audiology and Covid-19 (coronavirus)
- Adult Inherited Metabolic Disease Services
- Advance care planning: helping to plan your future care
- Advance Care Planning: supporting you to plan ahead when undergoing CAR T-cell therapy
- Advice and exercise following childbirth
- Advice and Management of Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
- Advice for patients following extraction and/or minor oral surgery (paediatric dentistry)
- Aftercare Guidance Following an Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Implant
- Afternoon colonoscopy with enhanced Moviprep® preparation
- Afternoon colonoscopy with Plenvu®
- Ageing with cerebral palsy (Post-Impairment Syndrome)
- Alcohol and Inherited Metabolic Disorders
- Alpha thalassaemia
- Ambulatory Care Service
- An introduction to our breast services and what to expect
- Anaesthesia at UCLH
- Animal and human bites
- Anorectal physiology
- Antenatal care for women at increased risk of preterm birth
- Anterior Resection
- Anti-D prophylaxis in pregnancy
- Appointment Preparation using MyCare UCLH
- Aspirin in pregnancy
- Auditory testing
- Aural (Ear) Microsuction
- Autogenic training
- Automated red cell exchange for people with sickle cell disorder
- Autonomic Function Test (AFT) (Autonomic Unit)
- Autonomic symptoms (Post-COVID Service)
- Autonomic Unit
- Balance testing
- Bartholin’s Cyst or Abscess
- Basal cell carcinoma (BCC)
- Bedside nasojejunalnasogastric feeding tube insertion
- Being a stem cell or bone marrow donor: Your questions answered
- Being active: Information for people who are undergoing or have finished their cancer treatment
- Benefits and welfare advice - information for people affected by cancer and blood conditions
- Biatain® dressings for radiotherapy and proton beam therapy skin reactions
- Biofeedback Therapy - Bowel Retraining
- Birth after caesarean section - Making the right choice for your birth
- Bladder and bowel dysfunction in cerebral palsy
- Blood refusal - information for adults patients
- Blood test fact sheet
- Bone marrow harvest: Information for people donating their bone marrow to a family member
- Book your blood test appointment online
- Botulinum toxin injections for the bladder
- Botulinum Toxin injections into the Urethral sphincter
- Botulinum toxin treatment
- Bowel (intestinal) vaginoplasty
- Bowel preparation for patients having bowel surgery
- Brain surgery wound care
- Brain Tumour Service (BTU)
- Bravo® (wireless pH monitoring)
- British Spine Registry
- Bronchiolitis in children
- Bunion (Hallux Valgus) Surgery
- Burning mouth syndrome
- Camden traffic light booklet (easy read)
- Cancer immunotherapy treatment
- Capsule Endoscopy
- CAR T-cell therapy
- Carbapenemase Producing Organisms (CPO)
- Carbohydrate counting using cup measures
- Care in the last days of life
- Caring for my urinary catheter (North Central London Integrated Care System)
- Caring for your broken base of 5th metatarsal bone
- Caring for your fractured (broken) toe
- Carotid Endarterecotmy
- Catheter Directed Thrombolysis (CDT)
- Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
- Cerebral Angiogram (General Anaesthetic)
- Cerebral Angiogram (Local Anaesthetic)
- Cerebral AVM (Arterio Venous Malformation) Endovascular Treatment
- Cerebral DAVF (Dural Arterio-Venous Fistula) Endovascular Treatment
- Cerebral Tumour Embolisation
- Cervical cerclage
- Chagas disease
- Changes in Breathing Pattern (Post-COVID Service)
- Checking your pulse and blood pressure - Easy Read
- Chickenpox in children and young adults
- Childcare resource
- Circumcision Post operative information for adults
- Clostridioides difficile (C. diff)
- Coeliac disease and diabetes
- Cognition and Brain fog (Post-COVID Service)
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Insomnia (CBTi) at the RLHIM
- Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
- Coil embolisation in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms
- Collection of lymphocytes from your blood
- Collection of stem cells from your blood
- Colonic and Pan-Enteric Capsule Endoscopy
- Colorectal and anal cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT)
- Colorectal suspected cancer pathway
- Community sickle cell and thalassaemia services
- Complete Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (CAIS)
- Complex Congenital Gynaecology and Differences of Sex Development
- Complex Facial Clinic - Botulinum toxin injections as part of the clinic treatment
- Complex Neuro orthotics Clinic
- Continent urinary diversions
- Contraceptive Advice for Patients who have received Sugammadex
- Contraceptive coil insertion at the time of Caesarean section
- Contrast agents for MRI examinations
- Contrast agents for radiotherapy and proton beam therapy CT and MRI planning scans
- Contrast agents for X-ray, fluoroscopy, CT and angiography examinations
- Contrast Extravasation (contrast leakage)
- Controlling Hospital Infections
- Coping with nausea
- Croup in children
- CT Cisternogram
- CT Colonography bowel preparation and diet sheet
- CT guided spinal steroid injections (Easy read)
- CT Myelogram
- CT-Guided Steroid Injections
- Cutaneous larva migrans (CLM)
- Day Care Unit - The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN)
- Dealing with difficult feelings: What to do in a crisis
- Dealing with high glucose levels; ABC (multiple daily injections)
- Dealing with high glucose levels; ABCC (hybrid closed loop systems)
- Dealing with high glucose levels; ABCC (insulin pumps)
- Deep Vein Thrombosis (Easy Read)
- Deep vein thrombosis
- Deferasirox treatment for iron overload
- Delirium
- Dengue fever patient information films
- Dental extractions: post-operative instructions
- Dental injuries Broken (fractured teeth)
- Dental injuries Fallen out (avulsed) teeth
- Dental injuries Loose or moved teeth
- Desferrioxamine treatment for iron overload
- Diarrhoea and vomiting in children
- Diet and Nutrition (Post-COVID Service)
- Dietary advice for patients with an ileostomy
- Dimethyl Fumerate
- Doença de Chagas
- Donating lymphocytes to your family member
- Dorsal Root Ganglion (DRG) Stimulation
- Dressing and catheter removal
- Drinking alcohol safely with Type 1 Diabetes (Hybrid closed loop)
- Drinking alcohol safely with Type 1 Diabetes
- Duke of Edinburgh Awards
- Dynamic sentinel lymph node biopsy
- Dynamic Sweat Test (DST) (Autonomic Unit)
- Early miscarriage
- Eating and drinking after gastric bypass
- Eating and drinking after sleeve gastrectomy
- Eating Better: for Young People Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Eating Well for Less
- Eating well: Information for people who are undergoing or have finished their cancer treatment
- Ectopic pregnancy
- Emergency walk in clinic
- End of treatment: Information for teenagers with Hodgkin lymphoma
- Endobronchial electrocautery & argon plasma coagulation
- Endoscopic Full Thickness Resection of Submucosal Lesions
- Endoscopic submucosal dissection
- Endoscopic transsphenoidal pituitary surgery
- Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) Guided Biliary Drainage
- Endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) guided gallbladder drainage
- Endoscopic ultrasound directed transgastric ERCP (EDGE)
- Energy and Pacing
- Energy conservation for patients with Mitochondrial Disease
- Enfermedad de Chagas
- Entering health information on MyCare from home
- Epidural Fibrin Patch
- Epilepsy Nurse Specialist Telephone Advice Line Service
- Epilepsy surgery - a guide for patients
- Epilepsy surgery - a guide for patients
- ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography)
- EUS (Endoscopic Ultrasound)
- Exam guidance for CYP with type 1 diabetes
- Excercising with McArdle Disease - Top Tips
- Exercise advice for people with Mitochondrial Disease
- Exercise and activity - Multiple daily injections
- Exercise and activity for adults with cerebral palsy
- Exercise and activity management - insulin pumps
- Extravasation
- Extreme lateral lumbar fusion (XLIF)
- FACETS: A Fatigue Management Group
- Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)
- Fampridine homecare delivery service
- Faster diagnosis pathway for gynaecology
- Fatigue (Post-COVID Service)
- Fatigue management for adults with cerebral palsy
- Febrile convulsions in children
- Feeling sick - what you can do (Easy read)
- Feeling your baby move
- Femoral lines for red cell exchange
- Femoral lines for stem cell and T-cell collection
- Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES)
- Fibroids
- First Seizure Clinic
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy
- Flu information for patients and visitors
- For people with autoimmune conditions, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and scleroderma: A guide to autologous stem cell transplant
- For people with autoimmune conditions, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and scleroderma: Collecting stem cells from your blood
- For people with autoimmune conditions, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and scleroderma: Recovery following your stem cell transplant
- Free NHS Prescriptions for people with cancer (Easy Read)
- Free NHS prescriptions: Information for people affected by cancer
- Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Clinic
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux in children
- Gastroscopy - a guide for patients
- Genetic testing for women affected by ovarian cancer
- Getting ready for surgery: Bowel preparation with a laxative and antibiotics
- Getting results
- Giardia
- Glansectomy and partial glansectomy
- Gliolan
- Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency
- Going home with a cannula
- Going to A and E - Easy Read
- Going to hospital - Easy Read
- Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogue (GnRH-a) injections
- Group B Streptococcus
- Guidance for patients following a high radiation dose examination or procedure
- Guide to services for people with red cell and iron disorders
- Gynaecological oncology multidisciplinary team (MDT)
- Having a bone marrow biopsy
- Having a craniotomy or biopsy for a suspected brain tumour
- Having a CT scan
- Having a Dental General Anaesthetic - Easy Read
- Having a general anaesthetic - Easy Read
- Having a liver biopsy
- Having a lumbar puncture
- Having a scan - Easy Read
- Having acupuncture
- Having an MRI arthrogram
- Having an MRI of your small bowel
- Having an MRI scan of the penis
- Having an X-ray - Easy Read
- Having gadolinium based contrast agent for MRI examinations while breast feeding
- Having proton beam therapy under general anaesthetic: information for children aged 1- 4
- Having proton beam therapy under general anaesthetic: information for children aged 5-8
- Having proton beam therapy: a guide for parents and carers
- Having proton beam therapy: a guide for patients and carers
- Having proton beam therapy: information for children aged 5- 8
- Having proton beam therapy: information for children aged 9-12
- Having proton beam therapy: information for teenagers aged 13-17
- Head injury in adolescents and young people
- Headaches (Post-COVID Service)
- Healthy Eating after Spinal Cord Injury
- Help with hospital travel costs
- Hepatitis B
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Highly Specialised Service For McArdle Disease and Related Disorders
- Hinge Knee Brace - Advice for Patients
- HLH Patient Information Page
- Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA): Information for people affected by cancer and blood conditions
- Home exercises to improve strength and balance following hospital admission
- Home-acupuncture
- Hormone therapy for prostate cancer
- How to access your video appointment using MyCare UCLH with Microsoft Teams
- How to build muscle with Type 1 diabetes
- How to expand your removable brace
- How to express your colostrum / breastmilk Stage 2: introducing the breast pump
- How to express your colostrum Stage 1: Getting Started - Hand Expressing
- How to get the help you need in hospital - Easy Read
- How to improve your sleep: Information for people who are undergoing or have finished their cancer treatment
- How we use your information
- Huntington's Disease Service - MDT Clinic
- Huntington's Disease Service - Telephone Clinic
- Hydrogen methane breath test for bacterial overgrowth - testing at home
- Hydrogen methane breath test for bacterial overgrowth – testing in hospital
- Hydrogen methane breath test for fructose malabsorption – testing at home
- Hydrogen methane breath test for fructose malabsorption – testing in hospital
- Hydrogen methane breath test for lactose intolerance – testing at home
- Hydrogen methane breath test for lactose intolerance – testing in hospital
- Hydroxyurea for treatment of sickle cell disorder
- Hyperemesis in the emergency department
- Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC)
- Hypnosis
- Hypoglycaemia
- Hysteroscopy Under General Anaesthesia
- Ideas to help improve food intake before and after your operation
- Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT)
- Imaging-Guided Renal Biopsy
- Implantable Loop Recorder (ILR)
- Implantable ports
- Incentive spirometry for adults with sickle cell disorder
- Incision and grafting (Lue) procedure (post-operative information)
- Incision and grafting LUe Procedure
- Incontinence pads
- Increasing protein in your diet before surgery
- Induction of labour - the process
- Induction of labour when your baby is overdue or ‘post-dates’
- Infection control on the neonatal unit
- Infection Control on the Neonatal Unit
- Information after someone dies in NHS care - Easy Read
- Information following a bereavement
- Information for carers of children or young people having mIBG and topotecan (MATIN) treatment
- Information for carers of children or young people having mIBG treatment
- Information for Patients Requiring Cystectomy and Stoma Formation
- Information for patients undergoing bowel surgery
- Information for private maternity patients
- Information for the “Small Baby Clinic” at UCLH
- Information on preformed metal crowns for childrens teeth
- Information sharing about children or young people
- Inguinal gonadectomy
- Inguinal lymphadenectomy
- Injecting Insulin
- Insertion of a malleable penile prosthesis
- Insertion of bone markers
- Insertion of inflatable penile prosthesis
- Insomnia and Behavioural Sleep Medicine Clinic
- Integrated Cancer Care Service for children and young adults
- Integrated Cancer Care Service
- Integrated Children and Adolescent Service
- Integrated General Medicine Service
- Integrated Womens Service
- Intradural spinal tumour resection
- Intrathecal baclofen
- Intrathecal Phenol
- Intravenous Sedation
- Intravesical treatment using BCG immunotherapy
- Intravesical treatment using Mitomycin C chemotherapy - After transurethral resection of a bladder tumour (TURBT)
- Intravesical treatment using Mitomycin C chemotherapy
- Intravesical treatment using radio-frequency (RF) induced thermochemotherapy (Mitomycin C)
- Intravesical treatment using thermo-chemotherapy (Mitomycin C)
- Introduction to the Lymphoedema Service: Face-to-face consultation
- Introduction to the Lymphoedema Service: Video and telephone consultation
- IR Non-Tunnelled CVC Line Insertion (Vascath)
- IR PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) Insertion
- IR Port-a-cath Insertion
- IR Tunnelled line Insertion
- IR Vortex® Port-a-cath Insertion
- Irreversible Electroporation for Prostate Cancer (IRE or Nanoknife™)
- IV Dyna CT
- IVC Filter Insertion
- IVC Filter removal
- Laparoscopic gonadectomy
- Laparoscopic hysterectomy
- Laparoscopic Myomectomy
- Laparoscopic salpingo-oophorectomy
- Latent tuberculosis
- Left hemicolectomy
- Liquid meal test with head-up tilt (Autonomic Unit)
- Lithotripsy
- Living well with myeloma
- Living with cerebral palsy
- London Complex Mesh Centre (LCMC) - Pain Management Service
- London Complex Mesh Centre (LCMC) - Psychological Wellbeing Service
- London Complex Mesh Centre physiotherapy
- Long-term follow-up: information for people who have had treatment for cancer or a blood condition as a child or young adult
- Longitudinal Vaginal Septum
- Looking after your blood glucose meter
- Loss of smell and taste (Post-COVID Service)
- Low fibre diet sheet
- Low-phosphate diet for adults on futibatinib
- Lower Gastrointestinal suspected cancer pathway
- Lumbar Fusion and Decompression (Single level)
- Lutetium-177 PSMA radionuclide therapy
- Lymphoma multidisciplinary team (MDT)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) under general anaesthesia
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Having an MRI Scan
- Mainz II Rectal Bladder
- Making Decisions in Congenital Cytomegalovirus Infection
- Mako Robotic-Arm Assisted Technology
- Management of Fetal Spina Bifida
- Management of Gum Disease
- Managing dislocations and subluxations
- Managing Education: for Young People Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Managing exercise using Tandem T Slim and Control IQ
- Managing Fatigue after Subarachnoid Haemorrhage
- Managing Fatigue following SAH
- Managing Flare-ups and Relapses: for Young People Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Managing food, activity and Type 1 Diabetes: An introduction for newly diagnosed children and families
- Managing meals - a guide for multiple daily injections (MDI)
- Managing mealtimes using your hybrid closed loop system (HCL)
- Managing pain - adolescent rheumatology
- Managing pain after your operation (Easy Read)
- Managing Spasticity
- Managing the emotional impact of cancer: Information for people who are undergoing or have finished their cancer treatment
- Managing your fatigue: Information for people who are undergoing or have finished their cancer treatment
- Managing your malaria infection as an outpatient
- Managing your malaria infection as an outpatient
- Medical management of miscarriage
- Medical Students at UCLH
- Medications, vaccinations and travel in sickle cell disorder
- Medications, vaccinations and travel in thalassaemia
- Medicines for neuropathic pain
- Medtronic MinimedTM 780G system with SmartGuardTM technology Top Tips
- Mepilex® dressings for radiotherapy and proton beam therapy skin reactions
- Metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC)
- Metronidazole following bowel resection for Crohn’s Disease
- Middle Meningeal Artery Embolisation for Subdural Hematoma
- Minced & Moist Nourishing Diet for Dysphagia
- Mindfulness
- Minor oral surgery post operative instructions
- Modified Exercise Test (Autonomic Unit)
- Mohs micrographic surgery
- Molecular Radiotherapy Information Series 3 Information for adults having Lutetium (Lu-177) treatment
- Molecular Radiotherapy Series No. 6 - Information for parents of children and young people having radioactive iodine (131I) treatment
- Molecular Radiotherapy Series No. 7 - Information for parents of children and young people having radioisotope treatment
- Morning colonoscopy with enhanced Moviprep® bowel preparation
- Morning colonoscopy with Plenvu®
- Motor mapping and monitoring
- Moving to adult diabetes services
- Moving to Secondary School
- MRSA - information for patients and visitors
- MS Walking Clinic
- Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid
- Multi level lumbar decompression
- Multi level lumbar microdiscectomy
- Multi-level anterior cervical discectomy
- Muscle Biopsy
- Musculoskeletal and Manual Medicine Service
- Myalgic encephalomyelitis/Chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) and Fibromyalgia Service
- MyCare UCLH patient leaflet
- Mylife™ Bolus advice app
- Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy
- Neobladder
- Neonatal loss: After the death of your baby. A guide to what options are available
- Neonatal Parenteral Nutrition
- Nerve Biopsy
- Neuro-oncology service: Gliolan®
- Neurological Outpatient Therapy Services
- Neuromuscular Complex Care Centre
- NHNN Outpatients Department
- Norovirus
- Nurse-led transition clinic for people who have had treatment for cancer or a blood condition as a child or young adult
- Nutrition and Dietetic Service
- Obesity/High body Mass Index– what are the risks?
- Obstructed hemi-vagina
- Occupational Therapy
- Oesophageal manometry and 24 hour reflux recording - off medication
- Oesophageal manometry and 24 hour reflux recording - on medication
- Oesophageal Manometry
- Oesophagectomy
- On treatment diary for patients having head and neck radiotherapy or proton beam therapy
- Oral mucosal biopsy
- Ostomy diet sheet
- Outpatient Hysteroscopy
- Outpatient parenteral antimicrobial therapy (OPAT)
- Outreach Hearing Aid Centres and Covid-19_Edgware Community Hospital
- Outreach Hearing Aid Centres and COVID-19_Finchley Memorial Hospital
- Paediatric Series No 01- Radiotherapy to the brain
- Paediatric Series No 02 - Radiotherapy to the head, mouth and neck
- Paediatric Series No 03- Radiotherapy to the chest
- Paediatric Series No 04- Radiotherapy to the abdomen and pelvis
- Paediatric Series No 09 - Having total body irradiation
- Paediatric Series No 10 - Radiotherapy to the spine
- Paediatric Series No 12 - Anaesthesia for children having radiotherapy
- Paediatric Series No 15 - Radiotherapy to the abdomen
- Paediatric Series No 17 - Radiotherapy to the neck and chest
- Paediatric Series No 18 - Radiotherapy to the neck, chest, abdomen and pelvis
- Paediatric Series No. 5 - Radiotherapy to the testes
- Paediatric Series No. 6 - Radiotherapy to the whole brain
- Paediatric Series No. 7- Radiotherapy to the whole central nervous system
- Paediatric Series No. 8 - Radiotherapy to the whole lungs
- Paediatric Series No.11 - Radiotherapy to a limb
- Paediatric series no.13 - Anaesthesia for children having proton beam therapy
- Paediatric Series No.16 - Radiotherapy to the pelvis
- Paediatric Series No.19 - Radiotherapy to the eye (orbit)
- Pain and bleeding in early pregnancy
- PALS - Easy Read
- Parathyroid surgery
- Parking for Blue Badge holders
- Parkinson's and Physical Activity
- Parvovirus B19 in patients with haemolytic anaemias: Risk of aplastic crisis
- Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS)
- Patient isolation
- Patient safety card
- Patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU) for people with lymphoma
- Patient-initiated follow-up (PIFU) for women with endometrial cancer
- Pelvic floor exercises for people with pelvic and genital lymphoedema
- Penile cancer multidisciplinary team (MDT)
- Penile clamps (Penile compression devices)
- Penile plication (Nesbit) procedure
- Penile surgery with full thickness skin graft
- Penile surgery with split skin graft
- Percutaneous endoscopic interlaminar lumbar discectomy for sciatica
- Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS Bladder)
- Percutaneous Tibial Nerve Stimulation (PTNS) – bowel
- Percutaneous transforaminal endoscopic lumbar discectomy for sciatica
- Peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs)
- Peroral endoscopic myotomy (POEM)
- Phototherapy
- Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy Team: Supporting adults affected by cancer and blood conditions
- Physiotherapy for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia
- Physiotherapy for chronic musculoskeletal pain
- Planned elective caesarean at Whittington Health
- Planning your journey home
- Plasma Exchange Service at NHNN
- Polymem® dressings for radiotherapy and proton beam therapy skin reactions
- Post procedural care diagnostic angiogram and endovascular treatment
- Post Tropical Screening
- Pre Assessment Clinic
- Pre-operative Assessment Centre
- Pregnancy and Postpartum Hypertension service: Home blood pressure monitoring
- Pregnancy of Unknown Location (PUL)
- Preparing for gynaecology surgery and your recovery
- Preparing for the Future - Huntington's Disease
- Prescription costs
- Prevalence Audit Pressure Ulcers: Ensuring the best care provision
- Preventing blood clots during outpatient cancer treatment
- Preventing pressure ulcers (bed sores)
- Preventing surgical wound infections
- Priapism in patients with sickle cell disorder
- Prostate Artery Embolisation (PAE)
- Prostate high dose rate (HDR) brachytherapy
- Prostate One-Day Clinic
- Protecting your skin when using insulin pumps and continuous glucose monitors
- Proton beam therapy - An easy read guide
- Psych-oncology team
- Psychological support for adults with red cell disorders
- Psychological support for children, young people and families living with diabetes
- Pulled elbow in children
- Pulmonary embolism (PE)
- Pump School – Starting on an insulin pump
- Pureed Nourishing Diet for Dysphagia
- Rabies post exposure prophylaxis
- Radial Artery Phalloplasty
- Radioiodine therapy for benign thyroid disease
- Radiotherapy - An easy read guide
- Radium-223 for metastatic prostate cancer
- Rafaelo Procedure
- Raising a concern or making a complaint
- Rapid Access Infectious Diseases (RAID)
- Rapid Diagnostic Centre
- Receiving your chemotherapy via an infusion device
- Reclaiming the Congestion Charge
- Reclaiming the ULEZ Charge
- Recovery following an autologous stem cell transplant
- Recovery following CAR T-cell therapy
- Recovery from Long COVID (Post-COVID Service)
- Reducing the risk of lymphoedema in the head and neck area
- Reducing the risk of lymphoedema in the lower limb and genital area
- Reducing the risk of lymphoedema in the upper limb and chest area
- Relaxation Techniques (Post-COVID Service)
- Relaxation Techniques: for Young People Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Removal of bot/tumbu flies and jigger fleas
- Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) for Depression
- Respond Refugee and Asylum-Seeker Health Service
- Return to Physical Activity (Post-COVID Service)
- Return to Work and Finance (Post-COVID Service)
- Right hemicolectomy and extended right hemicolectomy
- RLHIM Psychological Therapy Services
- RLHIM: About our pharmacy
- Robotic assisted surgery for pelvic organ prolapse
- Robotic Bilateral Salpingo-oophorectomy
- Robotic colorectal surgery
- Robotic Hysterectomy: Minimal access surgery
- Safer eating during your cancer treatment
- Saliva management in cerebral palsy
- Schistosomiasis
- Schistosomiasis
- School
- Second line dietary management of functional dyspepsia and gastroparesis
- Selective internal radiotherapy (SIRT)
- Self-administration of bortezomib
- Sensitive arrangements for pregnancy tissue after miscarriage and/or surgical treatment
- Series No - 43 Radiotherapy to the adult brain and spine
- Series No 1 - General skincare advice for patients having radiotherapy
- Series No 12 - Having total body irradiation
- Series No 13 - Radiotherapy to the adult spine
- Series No 17 - Finishing Radiotherapy Treatment
- Series No 2 - Radiotherapy to the Breast
- Series No 20 - Vaginal Brachytherapy (Internal radiotherapy)
- Series No 25 - High dose rate (HDR) endo-oesophageal (gullet) brachytherapy
- Series No 26 - High dose rate (HDR) endo-bronchial brachytherapy
- Series No 28 - Gyanaecological bowel preparation
- Series No 29 - Gynaecology Radiotherapy
- Series No 3 - Radiotherapy and chemoradiotherapy to the head, mouth and neck
- Series No 36 HDR brachytherapy for cancer of the cervix
- Series No 4 - Radiotherapy to the brain
- Series No 42 - Radiotherapy for meningiomas
- Series No 45 - Conformal radiotherapy for brain metastases
- Series No 46 - Superficial radiotherapy treatment to the skin
- Series No 5 - Molecular Radiotherapy for adults having radioactive iodine (131I) treatment
- Series No 50 - Having radiotherapy to a limb
- Series No 52 - Radiotherapy for bone pain
- Series No 6 - radiotherapy to the chest
- Series No 61 - Having Total Body Irradiation (TBI): Single Fraction Treatment
- Series No 62 - Proton Beam Therapy to the Prostate
- Series No 64 - Radiotherapy for penile cancer
- Series No 66 - Reducing the dose of radiotherapy to your rectum during the treatment of prostate cancer: a patient guide to rectal spacers
- Series no 67 - On-treatment diary for patients having radiotherapy/proton beam therapy to the chest
- Series No. 39 - Stereotactic ablative body radiotherapy (SABR) for lung cancer
- Series No. 41 - Radiotherapy for tumours of the base of skull
- Series No. 44 - Radiotherapy for craniopharyngiomas and pituitary adenomas
- Series No. 5 - Radiotherapy to the prostate or prostate bed
- Series No. 51- Radiotherapy to the bladder
- Series No. 65 - A service evaluation of MRI scanning as part of the pre-treatment process in proton beam therapy
- Series No.56 - Bowel preparation for prostate patients
- Series No.57 - Radiotherapy for cancers of the abdomen
- Series No.8 - Radiotherapy to the pelvis
- Sexual health, contraception and preparing for pregnancy: Information for patients with thalassaemia and sickle cell disorder
- Sick day rules - insulin pump therapy
- Sick day rules – multiple daily injections
- Sickle cell disorder and pregnancy
- Sickle cell disorder in adults
- Sickle cell disorder in children
- Sigmoid colectomy
- Single level anterior cervical discectomy
- Single level lumbar decompression
- Single level lumbar microdiscectomy
- Sir William Gowers Unit - Preparing for your stay
- Skin snips
- Sleep Hygiene (Good sleep habits)
- Sleep Management (Post-COVID Service)
- Sleep
- Sleeping Better: for Young People Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Snacking
- Socialising and Managing Friendships: for Young People Living with Fatigue Syndromes
- Soft and Bite Sized Nourishing Diet
- Sore Throats and Quinsy
- Spasticity service
- Specialist centre for urological cancer
- Speech and Language Therapy Service for Deaf Children
- Sperm banking - Information for teenagers and young adults with a cancer diagnosis
- Spinal AVM - Endovascular Treatment
- Spinal DAVF Endovascular Treatment
- Spinal Neurosurgery
- Spinal wound care
- Stem cell collection and donation: Information for people donating their stem cells to a family member
- Steroid induced diabetes
- Steroid treatment for inflammation caused by immunotherapy
- Stopping you from falling
- Strong opioid medicines for pain relief
- Strong opioid patches for pain relief
- Subtotal and Total Gastrectomy
- Superficial siderosis of the central nervous system
- Support for homeless people
- Supporting someone with Galactosaemia
- Supportive Care Unit
- Supra-pubic fat pad excision
- Surgical management of endometriosis
- Surgical management of miscarriage (SMM) under general anaesthetic
- Surgical management of miscarriage (SMM) under local anaesthetic
- SWGU Preparing for your stay
- Talk to us - Easy Read
- Tandem TSlim top tips
- Tattoos and cosmetic procedures
- Teenage and Young Adult Ambulatory Care Service
- Telephone follow-up for heart monitoring
- Temperomandibular disorder
- Testicular self-examination: information for people affected by acute lymphoblastic leukaemia
- Thalamotomy for Tremor using Transcranial MRI-Guided Focused Ultrasound
- Thalassaemia (transfusion-dependent and non-transfusion-dependent)
- Thalassaemia and pregnancy
- The 11-14 Week Scan
- The acute leukaemia multidisciplinary team (MDT)
- The Female Genital Cutting / Mutilation (FGC/M) Children and Young People’s Clinic
- The Link Pain Management Programme
- The Palliative Care and Symptom Control Team
- The Patient Transport Service
- Thermoregulatory sweat test (TST)
- Thoracic Surgery – Enhanced Recovery Patient Diary
- Thoracic surgery – Information and Advice for Patients, Relatives and Carers
- Thoracic Surgery – Information for patients: Having a mediastinoscopy / mediastinotomy procedure
- Thoracic surgery – Information for patients: Having a robotic-assisted thoracic surgery (RATS)
- Thoracic Surgery – Information for patients: Having a thymectomy procedure
- Thoracic Surgery – Information for patients: Having surgery via median sternotomy
- Thoracic Surgery – Information for patients: Having VATS / thoracotomy procedure
- Thoracic Surgery – Information for patients: Having VATS for drainage of air or fluid, pleural biopsies and talc pleurodesis
- Thoracic Surgery – Information for patients: Navigational bronchoscopy
- Threadworm infection
- Thrombectomy
- Thyroid surgery
- Total penectomy and perineal urethrostomy
- Traffic Light Trauma and Emergency Action Card
- Transcervical ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation uterine fibroids (Sonata®)
- Transcranial dopplers (TCD)
- Transient synovitis in children
- Transnasal Endoscopy
- Transperineal biopsy of the Prostate
- Transsphenoidal hypophysectomy
- Transverse Vaginal Septum: High and thin
- Transverse Vaginal Septum: Thin and Low or mid-level
- Travelling to your hospital appointment - information for people with cancer or a blood condition
- Treatment options for iron overload
- Trigeminal neuropathic pain (Facial Pain Team)
- Tunnelled lines
- Turning 18
- Two-step verification on MyCare UCLH
- UCLH Respiratory Outpatient Physiotherapy - Breathing Pattern Disorder
- UCLH Respiratory Outpatient Physiotherapy - Breathlessness
- UCLH Respiratory Outpatient Physiotherapy - Cough
- Ultrasound-guided caudal epidural injection
- Ultrasound-guided facet joint injection
- Ultrasound-guided joint injections
- Ultrasound-guided nerve root injection
- Under Five’s, Food, Activity and Diabetes
- Understanding and Managing Brain Fog: for Young people Living with Fatigue Conditions
- Understanding brain stem death - a guide for relatives
- Understanding steroids
- Upper gastrointestinal suspected cancer pathway
- Use of off-licence products during endovascular procedures
- Useful websites
- Uterine Artery/Fibroid Embolisation (UAE)
- VA Midline Insertion
- VA PICC (Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter) Insertion
- Vaginal dilation therapy - Information for patients who have completed radiotherapy treatment
- Varicocele embolisation
- Varicose vein surgery
- Vertebroplasty/ Kyphoplasty
- Vestibular rehabilitation
- Video swallows
- Video-assisted anal fistula treatment
- Virtual Arthroplasty review (VAR)
- Virtual Fracture Clinic
- Vitamin K for Babies at Birth
- Vortex® ports
- Vulval lichen sclerosis
- Walking Assessment - McArdle Disease and Related Disorders Clinic
- Walking Boot - Advice for Patients
- Weak opioid medicines for pain relief
- WEB Intracranial aneurysm device in the treatment of cerebral aneurysms
- Welcome to Chemotherapy Daycare
- Welcome to Outpatients
- Welcome to the fracture clinic
- Welcome to the Teenage and Young Adult Service
- What care to expect after your child has been diagnosed with Diabetes
- What care to expect when transferring care to UCLH
- What causes Long COVID? (Post-COVID Service)
- What is Post-COVID-19 Syndrome? (Post-COVID Service)
- What is the Glycaemic Index
- What to do if my pump breaks
- What to Expect After Congenital Cytomegalovirus Diagnosis
- What to expect from your neuro-oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS)
- Wheezy child Plan
- When a child dies
- Why it is important to get your heart checked? Information for patients with mitochondrial disease
- Why smoking is bad for patients with lupus
- Wigs and other headwear – A guide for people affected by cancer and blood conditions
- Women using maternity services who decline blood and blood products
- Women's health and cerebral palsy
- Wound care after a surgical procedure