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Easy guide 2.png Radiotherapy is a treatment, which kills cancer cells inside your body.
Easy guide 1.png Radiotherapy is given by a big machine that moves around you.
Easy guide 3.jpg If you are having radiotherapy, you need to attend the hospital to see the doctor.
EasyRead 5.png Your doctor will explain the treatment and possible side effects and will ask to give your consent.
Easy guide 4.png Consent means you understand and agree to have the radiotherapy.
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If you are having treatment to your head and neck area, you will have a mask made.

You will wear your mask for treatment.
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You will need to have a CT scan to help plan your radiotherapy treatment.

It is very important to keep still for the scan.

Easy guide 34.png You may need to take some of your clothes off and wear a hospital gown for your scan and radiotherapy treatment.
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We may take a photograph of your face.

We check the photograph every time you come for treatment to make sure we are treating the correct person.

Easy guide 11.png The people who do the CT scan and radiotherapy treatment are called radiographers.
Easy guide 12.png The radiographer will need to leave the room for up to 20 minutes during your CT scan.
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Radiographers can see and talk to you when you are alone in the room.

Easy guide 14.png If you are frightened at any point, raise your hand and the CT scan will be stopped.
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We will draw crosses on your skin before the scan. Afterwards we will give you a small permanent tattoo.

It will be the size of a freckle.

Easy guide 16.png The tattoo dots help to position you correctly for treatment.
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You will be given an appointment sheet with date on which you will start your treatment.

You can leave hospital after this.

Easy guide 18.png When you come for starting your radiotherapy treatment, you will see a radiographer who will tell you what will happen.
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You may have daily treatment, and this can take up to 30 minutes.

It is very important to keep still during the whole treatment time.

Easy guide 20.png You will hear a loud beeping noise when everyone leaves the room.
Easy guide 21.png We can play music in the room if you like that.
Easy guide 13.png Radiographers will be watching you and can talk to you during your treatment.
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You may need to come back more than once for your Radiotherapy.

We will let you know how many times and when you need to come.

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You may experience side effects which are things that happen because of the treatment.

Your doctor will tell you more about these side effects.

Some of the common side effects are listed below.

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Low Blood Count

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Feeling Tired

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Sore Skin

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Sore Throat 

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Feeling Sick

EasyReadPBT29 (1).png Nurses will help you to manage your side effects
Easy guide 22.png Radiographers will also help you to manage your side effects.
Easy guide 31.png Tell us if you are worried or have any questions. We are here to help you.
Easy guide 32.png After finishing treatment, you will get an appointment by post to see a doctor about how you are doing.
Easy guide 33.png You may ring the number on the appointment letter for more information.

Contact us

Radiotherapy Reception
Tel: 020 3447 3700

Pictures are from photo symbols and courtesy of Varian Medical Systems. Produced with input from Camden disability action team – SYNERGY


Page last updated: 12 August 2024

Review due: 30 June 2025