From 1 April 2023, as planned this pilot service has been temporarily paused while we seek sustainable long-term funding. All other RESPOND services will continue to be available. 

The pilot started in October 2021 to assess the needs of asylum seeker and refugee children and adults, and improve access to health and social care. The service has seen approximately 1,200 people a year, for a one-stop nurse-led appointment, care planning and onward referral. 

We offer a one-hour, one-off appointment with a nurse specialist in the community (contingency hotel or primary care), to asylum-seeking adults and children living in temporary home office accommodation in Camden, Islington, Haringey and Barnet.

The health needs assessment includes:

  • Review of physical, dental, sexual and women's health, mental health and social, educational and developmental needs (for children)
  • Height, weight and blood pressure measurement
  • Full blood count, renal and liver profile, bone profile, vitamin D level, cholesterol, HbA1C
  • Panel infection screening, based on up-to-date guidance and evidence:
    • blood: schistosomiasis, strongyloides, hepatitis B and C, HIV, syphilis, tuberculosis
    • urine: chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT (when appropriate)
    • stool: parasitic examination.

Common onward referrals include primary care, mental health, musculoskeletal, paediatric, infectious diseases, safeguarding and third sector services.

An integrated care plan will be provided to the service user, GP and other appropriate professionals summarising results and actions, to ensure that information is available if the person is relocated. 

Email to refer to this service.

These clinics, based at UCLH or the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD) offer infection screening and treatment for asymptomatic individuals and families, to all people migrating to the UK and living in all types of accommodation in any borough.

  • Paediatric infection screening and treatment (including RESPOND unaccompanied asylum-seeking children service (UASC)) - open to all unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and young people, in partnership with local Children Looked After health services. 
  • Adult infection screening and treatment via the Hospital for Tropical Diseases (HTD). 
  • Family infection screening and treatment clinic. Families are seen together in one appointment at UCLH, supported by both adult and paediatric services.

Panel infection screening includes:

  • blood: schistosomiasis, strongyloides, hepatitis B and C, HIV screen, syphilis, tuberculosis
  • urine: chlamydia and gonorrhoea NAAT (when appropriate)
  • stool: parasitic examination.

Any infections identified will be treated in specialist clinics at UCLH or HTD. All results and actions will be shared with the service user, the GP and other appropriate professionals.

To refer to this service email​ (family groups or UASC/children) or (lone adults). 

Asylum-seeking and refugee general paediatrics clinic

This service offers general paediatric clinic appointments at UCLH to asylum-seeking and refugee children. Children are seen by a dedicated team of paediatricians with expertise in asylum seeker and refugee healthcare, and trauma-informed care. This includes unaccompanied asylum-seeking children (UASC), in partnership with local Children Looked After health services. Children may be referred to the RESPOND MDT for discussion if appropriate.

Children’s infection and tropical clinics

This clinic is for children requiring treatment of infections identified at screening.

Family infection clinic

This clinic is for children and adults in a family group requiring treatment of infections identified at screening.

Email to refer to this service.

If you need advice and guidance on the management of an asylum-seeking or refugee person or family with complex health and wellbeing needs, the RESPOND multidisciplinary team (MDT) can help. This is a virtual forum, providing advice and support to health and allied professionals working with asylum-seekers and refugees of all ages, including lone adults, families and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, and in all boroughs. 

The MDT is held monthly via MS Teams and is hosted by a core panel of professionals with expertise in migrant health, adult and child refugee mental health and safeguarding. Additional input is provided from key partners across the network including community health services, primary care, social care and third sector organisations. 

To refer, please email with the following information:

  • confirmation that patient/guardian consent has been gained for MDT discussion
  • patient details, including borough
  • the specific question you would like to bring to the MDT
  • for cases external to the North Central London sector, details of any additional external professionals to invite, such as representatives from social care, school nursing and health visiting.
  • your name, organisation and role.

Why do some people receive holistic screens and others only infection screening?

This is related to current commissioning arrangements. We hope in the future to offer full holistic screening to all asylum seekers.

Can Ukrainian and Afghan refugees access RESPOND?

Those in the UK under a Government resettlement scheme cannot currently access the outreach health assessment; however, they remain eligible for all other RESPOND services.

I am interested in participating in the RESPOND Research Programme – how can I find out more?

RESPOND has wide ranging academic collaborations across multiple sectors and fields. To find out more, join one of our monthly Q&A sessions; email

I am a medical student – how can I get involved?

RESPOND is currently running several collaborations with medical students at UCL – email to find out more.

Does RESPOND accept volunteers?

Unfortunately, at the moment RESPOND is not able to accept volunteers.

What healthcare professionals say:

”If you don’t know how the system works, you don’t speak English, you feel unconfident or you have mental health problems it can be difficult to access the GP…having an assertive outreach team is important.” Health visitor

There is a real gap in provision and knowledge in care for asylum’s what the NHS needs…that structure and training…and an evidence-based approach to deal with a whole lot of complex needs that may arrive in bulk.” Third Sector GP

"Respond is an amazing service – the patients have had a really holistic assessment and received lots of support before coming to us." GP