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What is the Adult Allergy Clinic?

This clinic specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of adult patients with allergic conditions.

About the team

Our team consists of doctors, a specialist dietitian, a nurse and an occupational therapist.

What are the aims of this clinic?

Depending on the severity and duration of the condition, the clinic aims to:

  • Provide a diagnosis. This will include the use of skin prick tests and blood tests
  • Control symptoms
  • Help improve your well-being and energy levels
  • Help you to manage your condition better


Conditions which can be managed include allergic illnesses such as:

  • Hay fever caused by grass or tree pollen
  • Bee or wasp venom allergy
  • House dust mite allergy
  • Animal allergies, such as created by cats and dogs
  • Asthma
  • Eczema (dermatitis)
  • Urticaria (hives) and angioedema (swelling of lips, eyelids)
  • Food allergy and food intolerance

Dietary management may be helpful in some conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome, migraine, chronic fatigue syndrome, or in those on restricted diets.

What will management include?

  • Learning self-management strategies
  • Avoiding allergy triggers
  • Dietary changes
  • Medications such as asthma inhalers, nasal sprays, antihistamines, adrenaline injectors
  • Subcutaneous immunotherapy (“desensitisation”). A three-year course of injections of gradually increasing doses of allergy-causing substances (such as pollens, bee and wasp venom, house dust mite) for conditions such as severe hay fever, bee or wasp sting allergy.
  • Advice on complementary medicine use​​​

It is important to note:

This clinic does not undertake patch testing for eczema or contact dermatitis. This service is not currently available at UCLH. This clinic does not provide medication allergy diagnosis and treatment. This is provided by the UCLH Specialist Allergy service, based at the Royal National ENT hospital.

Your appointment

If you are unable to attend your appointment please let us know at least 48 hours beforehand so we can offer your appointment to someone else. If you do not attend your appointment without telling us we may refer you back to your GP. Following your treatment you will be referred back to your GP.


Professional education and training

The RLHIM is also a teaching hospital and from time to time other healthcare professionals may observe in outpatient clinics as part of a training course. We will always ask your permission for students to sit in during your consultation. You do not have to have students present if you would prefer not to.

How to contact us Patient Services

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine

60 Great Ormond Street London WC1N 3HR
Tel: 020 3448 2000
Switchboard: 020 3456 7890
Fax: 020 3448 2004
Email: (not for referrals)

How to be referred

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is part of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and accepts GP referrals via NHS e-Referral Service (formerly Choose and Book referrals). Patients can also be referred by their NHS hospital consultant.

UCLH service name Speciality Clinic type
Allergy Clinic - Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine Allergy   Allergy

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