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What to expect following surgery

Your prosthesis will be deflated the day after surgery (unless your consultant states otherwise). You should not attempt to inflate the device until you are reviewed at clinic three weeks after the surgery. In the meantime, we would recommend that you elevate your penis against your abdomen wearing supportive underwear which will also support the scrotum. This is particularly important as the scrotum will be swollen and may feel heavy due to the presence of the prosthesis pump.

You may experience ‘auto-inflation’ of your prosthesis. This is when the device inflates spontaneously. It is nothing to worry about and maybe due to pressure exerted on the prosthesis pump when sitting or walking. If this occurs, please let your Clinical Nurse Practitioner (CNP) know.

Please inform the team immediately if you develop a temperature or redness/ discharge from the wound site. You will leave hospital with a five-to-seven-day course of antibiotics.

What to expect when you get home

Dressings: Before you leave hospital, the operative dressing will be removed. A dry pad held in a pair of underpants to support the penis should be all that is required at home. A quick shower daily will keep the wound(s) clean, but you must avoid soaking in a bath and do not use soap on the wound until it is fully healed. Gently pat the wound dry.

Please do not touch your wound(s) unless you have washed your hands thoroughly to reduce the risk of infection.

Bleeding: You should not experience any major bleeding. It is however normal for there to be slight ooze of blood onto the pad. This can be stopped by applying pressure to the area using a clean piece of gauze to press firmly onto the wound site for about 10 minutes. If bleeding does not stop, seek medical advice.

Pain: It is likely you will experience pain following your operation. Please take your painkillers regularly as prescribed on the packet. Do not exceed the stated dose. This pain will improve over time but may take a few weeks to disappear.

Stitches: Your stitches are dissolvable and do not need to be removed. It is normal for them to take several weeks to dissolve.

Returning to work: You will require at least two weeks off work. Please ask the medical team for a sick certificate before you leave hospital.

Follow up appointment: An outpatient appointment is required three weeks after surgery. The CNP will inflate and deflate (cycle) the prosthesis in clinic and if you do not have any discomfort, you will be taught how to do this yourself. At the same appointment your wounds will be reviewed.

Aftercare: To minimise complications you must not do any heavy lifting (nothing heavier than a full kettle of water) for 4-6 weeks especially if you have an abdominal wound. You must not have sex for six weeks following surgery.

If you experience any of the following, please contact the Clinical Nurse Practitioner or your medical team via the numbers below. Out of hours, please contact your GP or nearest A&E Department.

  • Persistent bleeding
  • Pain which is not controlled by the prescribed pain killers
  • A fever of 100 (38 C) or higher
  • You have redness and or discharge from the wound

Contact details

Pathway co-ordinator to consultants:
Telephone: 020 3447 9190/ 020 3447 9280

Clinical Nurse Practitioners (CNP’s):
Mobile: 07852 168167/ 07929 710288

Out of hours, please contact your GP or nearest Accident and Emergency Department.

Where can I get more information?

UCLH cannot accept responsibility for information provided by external organisations.


Page last updated: 23 January 2025

Review due: 01 November 2026