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Your doctor has referred you to the Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) clinic at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN). This page has been written by the FES team for patients, their family, or carers to provide some information about the clinic and what to expect when you visit. 

What is FES? 

FES is a technique used to deliver electrical pulses to nerves to cause muscle contractions. The electrical pulses are delivered through small adhesive pads which are placed on the skin. 

FES can be used to contract muscles which have been paralysed in conditions such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy or after injury to the brain or spine. 

FES is often used to help with walking and is used on a nerve in the lower leg called the common peroneal nerve to mimic normal walking. It does this by lifting the foot and achieving correct placement on the ground. 

What can I expect when I come to clinic?

During your first visit you will receive a full assessment from a physiotherapist within a consultant led clinic as FES is not suitable for everyone. This combination of roles allows us to offer advice regarding a comprehensive management plan as well as determine whether FES may be useful for you. 

If this is a suitable option and you agree to treatment, we will arrange further appointments to set up the device and teach you how to use it. 

What are the risks or side effects to using FES?

There are no serious side effects or risks to using FES. At first the sensation may be slightly uncomfortable, but this usually settles quickly. It should not be painful.  

Occasionally, skin irritation can occur at the electrode site, but this can be minimised with good skin care and the use of hypo-allergenic electrode pads.

What will happen if I choose not to have FES?

If FES is not helpful for your walking, or you decide that it is not for you, we may be able to offer other treatments or make recommendations for further specialist input. 

How should I prepare for my FES appointment?

Consider your main problem (or problems) with walking and what you would like to improve. You may find it helpful to write these down as well as any questions you may like to ask. 

As you are being assessed for walking problems, we will need to put the electrodes on your legs. It is therefore advisable to wear comfortable shoes, such as trainers, and clothing that can be easily rolled or pulled up to above the knee. Alternatively, you can bring shorts or other suitable clothing to change into.  

Please avoid shaving your legs or applying moisturising cream on the day of your appointment as it may affect the electrical pads. 

Please bring the names and contact details of any health care professionals currently involved in your care as we may need to contact them after your appointment. 

Some information about your appointment

You are welcome to bring someone to attend the appointment with you. If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know as soon as possible so we can rearrange an appointment for you and offer this appointment to another patient. 

Please be aware you may be discharged from the service if you do not attend your appointment without telling us. 

What should I expect after starting FES?

If you commence FES treatment with us, you will be set up with a loaned device and receive appointments to have the device reviewed. These are usually at six weeks and then after a further three months of using the device. Following that you will have appointments either six monthly or annually depending on your individual needs. 

Appointments are offered as a combination of virtual and face to face appointments at the hospital. Any adjustment to the settings requires a face to face appointment.   


Any equipment you are given by the clinic is on loan to you for the duration of your treatment and remains the property of the hospital. You will be issued with an invoice for any unreturned equipment should you terminate your FES treatment.  

Contact details

FES Team Box 64 

The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, 

Queen Square, London, WC1N 3BG 


Direct Line: 020 3448 3194 


Hospital Transport is available for patients who qualify, contact transport department for an assessment on 020 3456 7010

PALS (Patient Advice and Liaison Service) provide a personal contact point to assist patients, relatives and carers. If you have an issue relating to our service that you would like to discuss, contact PALS on 020 3448 3237. 

Where can I get more information about electrical stimulation?

Odstock Medical Limited 


How to find us

Therapy outpatients, First floor, Albany Wing, The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery WC1N 3BG

NHNN map.png

Page last updated: 27 June 2024

Review due: 01 June 2026