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What is the post tropical screening (PTS) clinic?

This clinic is for asymptomatic travellers (individuals with no current symptoms) who have travelled to a tropical destination and are worried about certain infections. It can be possible to have an infection but not have any symptoms. A common example of this type of infection is schistosomiasis or ‘bilharzia’ which is an infection you can get from swimming in freshwater. This includes popular destinations like Lake Malawi and the River Nile. This clinic is a way of screening for these types of infections.

What are the criteria to be seen in the clinic?

You must have no current symptoms, have travelled to a risk area and have been back from that area for at least 8 weeks.

How can I access the PTS clinic?

You can ask your GP to refer you electronically, or you can access this service privately. The fee for a private appointment is £280.

What kind of appointment will I have?

You can either attend an appointment at our clinic or have a virtual appointment over the phone. If you live out of area, we can advise you of the tests you need in case you would like to source these locally. You will be seen by a specialist nurse who will discuss any relevant exposures and the blood, stool and urine tests that you will have done. The tests conducted check for infections caused by parasites and viruses.

What tests will I have done?

We will conduct the following set of tests in a PTS appointment:

  • Full Blood Count (FBC)
  • Schistosomiasis blood test
  • Strongyloides blood test
  • Stool & urine for parasites
  • HIV/Hepatitis B/Hepatitis C blood tests

How and when do I get my results?

You and your GP (if applicable) will receive a copy of your results 10-14 days after your appointment. The quickest way to obtain your results is using our online system, MyCare. Clinic staff can show you how to sign up for this – it is a quick and simple process.

What happens if my results need to be followed up?

If you have been referred by your GP, we will arrange for you to be followed up in one of our tropical medicine clinics.

Is the PTS clinic the right clinic for me?

If you fit the description under the ‘what are the criteria to be seen in this clinic’ section, then we can see you in the PTS clinic. We are unable to investigate any chronic or acute symptoms in this clinic. If you require these investigations, you can seek a GP referral for one of our tropical medicine clinics. You can be seen in our walk-in clinic without a referral if you have travelled within the last 6-12 months and have new symptoms.

Further information

Have you travelled to a tropical country in the last 6-12 months and are you acutely unwell? You can be seen in our emergency walk-in clinic Monday to Friday 9am-4pm
Our travel medicine service offers specialist travel advice including for individuals with complex health conditions. We offer this on a privately and via NHS referral basis.
Please contact: or 020 3447 7999 for more information about our services.