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First aid

If an animal or another human has bitten you, it is very important that the wound is cleaned thoroughly with antiseptic. Bites can become infected very easily. You should seek medical advice immediately after the bite.


  • We will clean all minor bites and scratches thoroughly.
  • We will not stich a deep wound due to the risk of infection.
  • We may apply paper stitches (Steristrips) to the wound to help keep the skin closed.
  • If the injury affects your arm, you may need to wear a sling to help prevent further swelling to the arm.
  • You may be required to give a sample of blood.
  • We may give you a course of a booster dose of anti-tetanus injection, depending on your immunity status.
  • We will prescribe a full course of antibiotics for all bites, human or animal.
  • We will give you a follow-up appointment to check on your injury.

Do I need to come back to the Emergency Department?

Go to your nearest Emergency Department immediately if:

  • There is increased redness or swelling.
  • The affected area becomes more painful or you have a raised temperature, feverishness or lethargy.

Where can I get more information?

Call 111 when you need medical help fast but it’s not an emergency,

Or visit:

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