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Proton Beam Therapy (also called PBT) is a type of treatment using a machine that is like a big camera, a little bit like having pictures taken.

To take good pictures, the doctors like you to have a sleep here at the hospital.

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Katie, Claire, Rhonda, and Aine Radiotherapy Services Play Specialist Team

You will meet lots of new people who will be looking after you. This might be doctors, nurses, radiographers and play specialists.

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When you come to meet the doctors in clinic, there will be lots of fun things to do.

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We also have a big area to play when you come to have your pictures taken.

When it’s time to have your sleep, we can watch your favourite movie, bring your favourite toys and choose a cosy blanket.





You will wake up when your pictures are finished.

You can have something to eat and drink and play a little before you go.

You can contact the Radiotherapy/ PBT Play specialists on the email below:

Page last updated: 13 August 2024

Review due: 30 June 2025