Information alert

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A cancer diagnosis can affect you and your quality of life in many different ways. While physical symptoms are the focus of treatment, there may be other things that are important to you as well. A Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) can help you to talk about some of the challenges you may be facing so that we can support you through them. 

This page explains what you can expect during an HNA. If you have any questions about the assessment, talk to your clinical nurse specialist (CNS).

What is an HNA? 

A Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) is a discussion about your needs and concerns with a health professional involved in your care. The focus of the HNA is on you as a whole, not just your illness. It will include, if you choose to, any of the following concerns: 

  • emotional
  • spiritual
  • social
  • practical
  • physical
  • financial
  • family and relationships
  • anything else that may be on your mind.

You will also have a chance to prioritise what is most important for you. We can then identify the type of support you will benefit from. 

What does the assessment involve?

  • A simple checklist to identify your concerns. This could be a paper checklist or an electronic one (on a computer). 
  • A conversation with your healthcare professional about your concerns. 
  • A personalised care plan (if needed). 

With your agreement, the person carrying out your assessment will refer you to other services that may be helpful to you. Or, if you prefer, you can ask for written information about these services.

When will the HNA take place?

We may offer you an assessment around the time of your diagnosis, during treatment or at the end of treatment. Because your needs may change, you can ask for an assessment at any time if you feel it would help. 

Do I have to complete an HNA?

An HNA can help you to identify what support is available. But you don’t have to complete it if you don’t want to. If you choose to complete it, you can decide how much or how little information you wish to share. 

Macmillan Support and Information Service

The Macmillan Support and Information Service welcomes anyone affected by cancer and their families and friends. It offers: 

  • emotional support 
  • practical advice (including welfare and benefits, or wig and scarf tying) 
  • a range of information resources 
  • a programme of support activities 
  • help and support with the concerns that may arise from your HNA. 

The service is located on the ground floor of the University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre. See the Contact us section below. You don’t need an appointment to visit and the team will see you as quickly as possible. 

Further information

Macmillan Cancer Support

Tel: 0808 808 0000


Cancer Research UK

Tel: 0808 800 4040


University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust cannot accept responsibility for information provided by external organisations. 

Contact us

If you have any questions about the Holistic Needs Assessment, or if there are any concerns you would like to talk about, please contact your CNS or the Macmillan Support and Information Service:

Telephone: 020 3447 8663 or 020 3447 3816


Opening hours: 9am to 4.45pm, Monday to Friday


Page last updated: 16 July 2024

Review due: 01 April 2026