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This page has been written by the Physiotherapy Services at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine. It is intended for patients (or their family or carers) who may be referred to this clinic.

Physiotherapy helps to treat movement and function difficulties when someone is affected by injury, illness or disability. It involves a holistic approach that involves the patient directly in their own care and uses various techniques, such as education, exercise and manual therapy.

This is pain which is has been present most or all the time for at least three months affecting bones, joints, muscles, and/or related soft tissues (such as ligaments and cartilage).

The aims of physiotherapy if you have Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain are: 

  • Learning strategies to manage difficulties caused by reduced physical activity or mobility.  
  • Learning strategies to self-manage pain. 
  • Creating an individualised home exercise programme to address your needs. 
  • Advice about accessing local classes, gyms, pools so you can continue exercising after discharge. 

At the first assessment you and the physiotherapist will discuss your symptoms, current activity patterns and specific needs you have. You may also be given a questionnaire to fill out which allows us to measure the severity of your symptoms and to record your progress. 

The physiotherapist will do a physical examination if you are having issues with pain, stiffness, joint instability and muscle weakness. Please wear comfortable clothes and footwear it maybe useful to bring shorts, leggings and/or vest tops. It is possible you may be seen by a male physiotherapist. If you would prefer a female physiotherapist please inform the member of staff who referred you. 

The assessment and treatment may involve physical contact. You may wish to have a chaperone in the room. 

The physiotherapist will work with you to develop an appropriate exercise/activity programme and treatment plan. 

You will have six sessions with the physiotherapist.  

You may be taught gentle stretching and relaxation exercises that may help with pain management. 

If it is appropriate, you may have a course of up to six sessions of manual therapy that could include acupuncture.  

The physiotherapist may also book you into one the exercise classes that run on site - Pilates, Yoga and Tai Chi classes are available. 

At the end of the course of physiotherapy treatment you may be asked to complete a questionnaire to measure your progress. The physiotherapist will write a report to your GP, and you will be discharged from the physiotherapy service. 

Appointments may be via telephone, video or face to face, you can choose which you prefer.

If you are unable to attend your appointment, please let us know at least 48 hours beforehand so we can offer your appointment to someone else. If you do not attend your appointment without telling us  you may be discharged. 

When you have completed a course of treatment a report will be sent to your GP.

The RLHIM is also a teaching hospital and from time to time other healthcare professionals may observe in outpatient clinics as part of a training course. We will always ask your permission for students to sit in during your consultation. You do not have to have students present if you would prefer not to. 

NHS Choices provides information and an opportunity to provide feedback about our service. 

Patient Services 

The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, 60 Great Ormond Street, London, WC1N 3HR 

Switchboard: 020 3456 7890  

Tel: 020 3448 2000 

Fax: 020 3448 2004 

Email: (not for referrals) 


The Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine (RLHIM) is part of University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. 

You will be referred into the Physiotherapy Service by your doctor here at the Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine if they feel it would be helpful as part of your overall care. 

We do not accept external referrals for Physiotherapy.


Page last updated: 03 December 2024

Review due: 01 November 2026