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About pathway coordinators

Pathway coordinators work alongside your healthcare teams at UCLH, your local hospital or in your community services. They are available to all patients under the care of the Children and Young People’s Cancer Service.

Pathway coordinators offer administrative support to you and your healthcare teams. They will oversee your treatment pathway and keep in regular contact with your local hospital services. This is to make sure that your local teams are aware of any updates in your care.

How can the pathway coordinator help me?

Your pathway coordinator can help you to:

  • get in touch with any hospital staff or services you may wish to speak to
  • arrange or change an outpatient appointment, or an appointment for a scan or test
  • organise tests and investigations
  • book an interpreter to be with you at your outpatient appointment
  • book accommodation

They will also:

  • keep your details up to date
  • advise you on arranging hospital transport.

This is not a complete list. You can always get in touch with your pathway coordinator if you have any queries or concerns.

Where do the pathway coordinators work?

Pathway coordinators move around UCLH to visit staff, patients and their families. They can come to see you when you:

  • are being treated as an inpatient on the ward or as an outpatient in Daycare
  • attend an outpatient appointment or come in for tests

How do I contact my pathway coordinator?

You can contact your pathway coordinator between 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday.

  • Haematology pathway coordinator: 020 3447 1856 or 07534 324591
  • Oncology pathway coordinator: 020 34471862 or 07534 324703


Teenage and Young Adult Service

Third Floor, University College Hospital Macmillan Cancer Centre Huntley Street

London WC1E 6AG

Switchboard: 020 3456 789