Information alert

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Occasionally devices or embolic material used during procedures in the angio suite, at NHNN will be used off-licence. Please consider the information provided on this page.

You can discuss any queries with your consultant when you attend hospital for your procedure or prior to your procedure in clinic.

Sometimes during complex procedures, devices or embolic material selected for use will be considered ‘off-licence.’ This means the device or material is being utilised outside of specified manufacturer’s guidance.

A good example of an off-licence material used in Neurointervention is the use of medical grade glue, which is licenced for use in blood vessels in other body parts but not specifically for use in the brain.

Another term used for off-licence is ‘off-label.’

The off-licence usage of a product does not make it unsafe. It means the manufacturer has not directly specified it for this particular purpose as the product has a wide range of potential uses.

Off-licence products used in the angiography suite at NHNN are monitored continuously and individual risk assessments are established for every off-licence use of a device or material.

Products are only used off-licence where staff are skilled and competent in this use, it’s use is approved by local and divisional clinical governance groups, literature and research supports this specific use/technique and where no suitable in-licence alternative is available.

Where applicable, we will discuss any potential usage of ‘off-licence’ products with you during the consent process and their risk and benefits.

If you have any questions, please email or contact 020 3448 3130 and the team will direct your query to the relevant staff.

Page last updated: 28 May 2024

Review due: 01 September 2025