- Exercise and activity management - insulin pumps
- Extravasation
- Extreme lateral lumbar fusion (XLIF)
- FACETS: A Fatigue Management Group
- Faecal Immunochemical Test (FIT)
- Fampridine homecare delivery service
- Faster diagnosis pathway for gynaecology
- Fatigue (Post-COVID Service)
- Fatigue management for adults with cerebral palsy
- Febrile convulsions in children
- Feeling sick - what you can do (Easy read)
- Feeling your baby move
- Femoral lines for red cell exchange
- Femoral lines for stem cell and T-cell collection
- Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallow (FEES)
- Fibroids
- First Seizure Clinic
- Flexible sigmoidoscopy
- Flu information for patients and visitors
- For people with autoimmune conditions, including multiple sclerosis (MS) and scleroderma: A guide to autologous stem cell transplant