GP news and updates
15 February 2022
You now need a registered site administrator to access EpicCare Link UCLH for your practice or service. If your site doesn’t have a registered administrator, you may lose access to EpicCare Link UCLH.
09 September 2021
Please be advised that from 1 October 2021, the management of the Queen Square private consulting rooms (PCR) will be transferring from Queen Square Enterprises to UCLH Private Healthcare. This means that both private inpatient and outpatient facilities at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery (NHNN) will now be managed by the private arm of UCLH NHS Foundation Trust.
09 September 2021
The private maternity ward at University College Hospital, The Fitzrovia Suite, will be undergoing total refurbishment by the end of the year.
09 September 2021
The emergency department at University College Hospital is set to undergo an ambitious refurbishment project of the resuscitation (resus) area.
09 September 2021
UCLH is continuing to scale up the number of services that offer Advice & Guidance, as well as identifying various improvements within the existing Advice & Guidance service. Over the last few months, UCLH has introduced 5 new specialties to the service, with additional specialties due to go live shortly.
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