Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2024.0623 Response FOI/2024/0623 - Patient numbers sent to use MRI scanner at London Zoo from 2014-2024 Patient treatment 24/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0622 Response FOI/2024/0622 - Guidelines and policies for the treatment of Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndrome Trust policy 24/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0627 Response FOI/2024/0627 - E-signature vendor supplier and cost Procurement 24/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0628 Response FOI/2024/0628 - Service personnel/ armed force families access to speech and language therapy for children who stammer Patient treatment 24/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0626 Response FOI/2024/0626 - Number of patients with Waldenström Macroglobulinemia and treatments Cancer 24/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0624 Response FOI/2024/0624 - HR case management (HRCM) software/ licenses/ contract costs Information technology 24/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0621 Response FOI/2024/0621 - Number of vials distributed for Immunoglobulin drugs Pharmacy 23/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0620 Response FOI/2024/0620 - Women/ birthing people diverted to other NHS trusts in 2024 Women's health 23/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0616 Response FOI/2024/0616 - Never events involving Medical Associate Professionals (MAPs) from 2021/22-2023/24 Patient safety 22/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0618 Response FOI/2024/0618 - Cyber security team contact details Human resources 22/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0617 Response FOI/2024/0617 - Vascular access devices purchased - Peripherally Inserted Central Catheters (PICC)/ Midline Catheters Procurement 22/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0615 Response FOI/2024/0615 - Electronic Patient Record (EPR) software spend/ Trust Integration Engine (TIE) Information technology 19/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0614 Response FOI/2024/0614 - Chaplaincy requests/ services 2022/23 - 2023/24 Trust services 19/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0607 Response FOI/2024/0607 - Starvation ketoacidosis patients/ treatment Patient treatment 18/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0612 Response FOI/2024/0612 - Orthotic and prosthetic services at the Trust Trust services 18/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0613 Response FOI/2024/0613 - Maintaining High Professional Standards framework for NHS employers/ Just Learning Culture Human resources 18/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0603 Response FOI/2024/0603 - Mouth cancer/ oral cancer referrals Cancer 17/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0606 Response FOI/2024/0606 - RM6281 Workforce Alliance framework  Procurement 17/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0605 Response FOI/2024/0605 - Finance software system/ installation and expiry of software Information technology 17/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0600 Response FOI/2024/0600 - Email address for procurement department Human resources 16/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0610 Response FOI/2024/0610 - Single-use medical equipment/ devices Trust services 16/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0609 Response FOI/2024/0609 - Healthcare Associated Infections (HAIs) cases Infection control 16/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0596 Response FOI/2024/0596 - Adult cardiac arrest team Cardiac services 15/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0598 Response FOI/2024/0598 - Agency arrangement/ agreement supplier list for provision of AHPs, doctors and nursing Procurement 15/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0597 Response FOI/2024/0597 - Urothelial cancer treatments Cancer 15/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0595 Response FOI/2024/0595 - Capital estate activity for 2020-2024 Estates and facilities 12/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0594 Response FOI/2024/0594 - Implementation of Federated Data Platform (FDP) and procurement of data platforms Trust planning 12/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0591 Response FOI/2024/0591 - Virtual ward use within Trust Trust services 11/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0588 Response FOI/2024/0588 - Spend with framework agencies for locum nurses - January to June 2024 Finance 11/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0589 Response FOI/2024/0589 - SACT Cancer report/ Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report Cancer 11/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0586 Response FOI/2024/0586 - Subject Access Requests (SAR) and Freedom of Information (FOI) requests for 2023/24 Information governance 10/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0587 Response FOI/2024/0587 - Colorectal cancer treatments Cancer 10/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0583 Response FOI/2024/0583 - National inpatient survey improvements/ night-time noise levels/ ward lighting/ mealtime support Trust services 09/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0584 Response FOI/2024/0584 - Immunology Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS) treatments Pharmacy 09/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0580 Response FOI/2024/0580 - Newborns taken into care from the maternity wards 2019-2023 Patient safety 08/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0577 Response FOI/2024/0577 - Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma treatments Cancer 08/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0582 Response FOI/2024/0582 - SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) treatments for endometrial cancer Cancer 08/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0581 Response FOI/2024/0581 - Weight management services/ bariatric surgery/ access to Wegovy Patients 08/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0579 Response FOI/2024/0579 - IT and network services frameworks/ contracts/ providers Information technology 08/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0578 Response FOI/2024/0578 - Public identity insurance policies held by Fertility Clinic that cover data breaches Clinical governance 08/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0575 Response FOI/2024/0575 - Replacement or purchase of patient trolleys in 2024/25 Procurement 05/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0576 Response FOI/2024/0576 - LGBT themed merchandise purchased for Pride month 2024 Finance 05/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0572 Response FOI/2024/0572 - Research on Temozolomide 2007-2024 Pharmacy 04/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0573 Response FOI/2024/0573 - Treatment for haemophilia A and B/ von Willebrand patients Pharmacy 04/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0568 Response FOI/2024/0568 - Local Anaesthetic Transperineal Prostate (LATP) biopsy service Trust services 03/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0566 Response FOI/2024/0566 - Trust planned capital spend in 2024-25 Finance 03/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0571 Response FOI/2024/0571 - Sunburn cases 2021-2024 Emergency services 03/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0570 Response FOI/2024/0570 - Pathway for genetic/ genomic testing for MND Patient treatment 03/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0567 Response FOI/2024/0567 - Cyber security/ network connected systems Security 03/07/2024
Ref no FOI.2024.0565 Response FOI/2024/0565 - DIY and gardening injuries 2020-2023 Emergency services 02/07/2024