Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.

If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.foi@nhs.net

Title Description FOI Category Date Received
Ref no FOI.2020.0380 Response FOI/2020/0380 - Staff who have been overpaid in error Finance 27/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0376 Response FOI/2020/0376 - PPE contracts Procurement 27/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0375 Response FOI/2020/0375 - Delirium assessment processes in clinical care Trust services 24/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0374 Response FOI/2020/0374 - Well Lead Review (Well Lead Framework) commissioned by Trust Commissioning 23/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0366 Response FOI/2020/0366 - Laundry/ linen management Estates and facilities 22/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0368 Response FOI/2020/0368 - Proton beam therapy centre Cancer 22/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0372 Response FOI/2020/0372 - Staff disciplinary action Human resources 22/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0373 Response FOI/2020/0373 - Orthoses, podiatry products/ orthotics spend Finance 22/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0365 Response FOI/2020/0365 - Ophthalmology - cataract surgery Patient treatment 21/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0364 Response FOI/2020/0364 - Catering services Estates and facilities 21/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0370 Response FOI/2021/0370 - Trust policies/guidance and Covid-19 tests for staff at NHNN Human Resources 21/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0358 Response FOI/2020/0358 - Operating Theatres surgical operating lights/ surgical pendant lights Estates and facilities 20/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0360 Response FOI/2020/0360 - Tender for transcription software Procurement 20/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0362 Response FOI/2020/0362 - Maternity statistics Maternity services 20/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0359 Response FOI/2020/0359 - Patents and licenses Trust services 20/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0353 Response FOI/2020/0353 - Neurosurgical and spinal procedures Neurology 17/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0354 Response FOI/2020/0354 - PPE for cleaning staff Procurement 17/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0355 Response FOI/2020/0355 - Ethnicity breakdown of senior Trust staff Human resources 17/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0356 Response FOI/2020/0356 - Hand sanitiser procurement Procurement 17/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0351 Response FOI/2020/0351 - Dural repair in orthopaedic and spinal procedures Surgery 16/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0349 Response FOI/2020/0349 - CQC inspection reports Trust services 15/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0350 Response FOI/2020/0350 - PPE stocks Procurement 15/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0347 Response FOI/2020/0347 - Complaint statistics Complaints 14/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0348 Response FOI/2020/0348 - Annual budget for ophthalmology Finance 14/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0346 Response FOI/2020/0346 - Preceptorship Human resources 14/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0343 Response FOI/2020/0343 - Expenditure over £25,000 Finance 13/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0342 Response FOI/2020/0342 - Sustainable development strategy Trust planning 13/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0363 Response FOI/2020/0363 - Number of NHS staff that have returned to practice Human resources 12/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0341 Response FOI/2020/0341 - Stereotactic radiosurgery facilities available at UCLH Neurology 10/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0340 Response FOI/2020/0340 - Architectural services Procurement 09/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0369 Response FOI/2020/0369 - Various Trust policies Trust policy 08/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0335 Response FOI/2020/0335 - Maternity services Maternity services 07/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0336 Response FOI/2020/0336 - Theft of canisters of nitrous oxide Security 07/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0337 Response FOI/2020/0337 - Immunoglobulin (IG) infusion pumps for hospital/patient use Procurement 07/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0338 Response FOI/2020/0338 - Face masks purchase and spend Finance 07/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0334 Response FOI/2020/0334 - Stroke patients Patients 06/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0331 Response FOI/2020/0331 - Application/ software development, websites, technical innovation Information technology 03/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0332 Response FOI/2020/0332 - Waiting list initiative and overtime staff payments Finance 03/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0333 Response FOI/2020/0333 - Attempted suicide/self harm admissions Hospital admission 03/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0330 Response FOI/2020/0330 - Trust procurement of Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Procurement 02/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0329 Response FOI/2020/0329 - Disposal/sale of medical equipment Procurement 01/07/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0327 Response FOI/2020/0327 - Trust intranet Information technology 30/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0328 Response FOI/2020/0328 - Policy/guidance on medical certificates and death certificates Trust policy 30/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0326 Response FOI/2020/0326 - Dermatology services Trust services 29/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0325 Response FOI/2020/0325 - Policies, guidance or documentation pertaining to mortuary/morgue Trust policy 26/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0324 Response FOI/2020/0324 - Direct engagment service Human resources 25/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0322 Response FOI/2020/0322 - Proton Beam Therapy Centre spend Finance 23/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0323 Response FOI/2020/0323 - Temporary staff spend Finance 23/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0318 Response FOI/2020/0318 - Staff members who have died after testing positive for Covid-19 Human resources 18/06/2020
Ref no FOI.2020.0319 Response FOI/2020/0319 - Teleradiology services Procurement 18/06/2020