UCLH is one of the largest centres for cancer clinical research.

Clinical trials research new treatments to see if they are more effective than the standard treatments already available. This may be testing a new drug, or giving an existing drug in a different way. They aim to find the treatments that work best and cause the fewest side effects.

Using gene therapy to treat blood cancers

We have an extensive clinical trials portfolio, from Phase I first-in-man studies to randomized Phase III trials. Most patients are offered the opportunity to take part in national or locally run clinical trials providing access to newly developed and cutting edge treatments. More information about our clinical trials programme can be found here: UCLH clinical trials programme

We have close academic links with University College London (UCL) and the majority of our consultants specialising in blood diseases have active research programmes at UCL. Laboratory findings are translated into benefits for patients by developing clinical trials as quickly as possible. More information about current research areas at UCL can be found in our UCL current research areas  

Our non-cancer blood diseases research portfolio covers a range of rare red cell and haemostasis disorders, including transfusion dependent and independent anaemias such as thalassaemia and sickle cell.

Treatments include newly developed treatments that increase haemoglobin and iron chelators to reduce iron overload. The trials portfolio covers both commercial and academic trials from Phase I through to Phase IV.

The trials are run by leading academics holding positions at both UCLH and UCL, resulting in laboratory discoveries being translated into clinical practice.

If you are interested in taking part in our research please talk to your medical consultant about this at your next appointment.

They will know about research studies that are happening at UCLH and also research studies that are happening locally that you might be able to participate in.

Click here to search current clinical trials at UCLH.