Professional background

Dr Alexis Jones is a consultant rheumatologist with a special interest in acute rheumatology, hyperinflammation, spondyloarthritis and imaging in rheumatology.

Her MD (Res) focused on the role of magnetic resonance imaging in the assessment of disease activity and response to treatment in axial spondyloarthritis.

She is regularly involved in teaching and training junior doctors and is the postgraduate medical education lead in rheumatology.

Research interests





An unusual case of Kikuchi-Fujimoto disease presenting as haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis Shah K, Amarnanj R, Owen L, Manson J, Jones A. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2021 Vol 82 Issue 9

Recommendations for the acquisition and interpretation of MRI of the spine and sacroiliac joints in the diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis in the UK: Reply Hall-Craggs MA, Bray TJP, Jones A, Marzo-Ortega H, Machado PM. Rheumatology 2020 Jan 1;59(1): 261-262

Belimumab after B cell depletion therapy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (BEAT LUPUS) study protocol: A prospective multi-centred, double-blind, randomised, placebo-controlled, 52-week phase II clinical trial. Jones A, Muller P, Dore C, David A. Isenberg, Gordon C, Ehrenstein M. BMJ Open 2019; vol. 9, no. 12 1-9

Performance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis: A Systematic Literature Review. Jones A, Bray T, Mandl P, Hall-Craggs M, Marzo-Ortega H, Machado PM. Rheumatology 2019 Nov 1;58

Recommendations for Acquisition and Interpretation of MRI of the Spine and Sacroiliac Joints in the Diagnosis of Axial Spondyloarthritis in the UK.  Bray T, Jones A, Bennett A, Conaghan P, Grainger A et al Rheumatology. 2019 May 2

Real benefits of ultrasound evaluation of hand and foot synovitis for better characterisation of the disease activity in rheumatoid arthritis. Ciurtin C, Jones A, Brown G, Sin, F, Raine C, Manson J, Giles I. Eur Radiol. 2019 Nov;29(11):6345-6354.

Biologics for treating axial spondyloarthritis Alexis J, Ciurtin C, Maria L, Mediola I, Raj S, Pedro M. Expert Opinion on Biological Therapy 2018 Jun;18(6):641-652

Outcome measures of disease activity for rare autoimmune rheumatic diseases. Jones, A, Cotton A, Guinto J, Wilton J, Ciurtin, C. British Journal of Hospital Medicine 2018 Jul 2;79(7):396-401

Fertility and pregnancy in systemic lupus erythematosus. Jones A, Giles I. P Indian Journal of Rheumatology, 2016 11 (6) 128-134

Time to diagnosis of axial spondyloarthritis in clinical practice: Signs of improving awareness? Jones A, Harrison N, Jones T, Rees JD, Bennett AN. Rheumatology, 53 (11), 2126-2127.