Professional background

MA Philosophy (University of Cambridge, 1999)
MSc Psychology (University of Essex, 2001)
Doctorate in Clinical Psychology (Royal Holloway, University of London, 2008).

After qualification, Jenny worked in mental health services in London before joining the UCLH gynaecological oncology psychology team in 2014. She was promoted to Consultant in 2020 and runs a small psychology team, providing specialist assessment and treatment for women with gynaecological cancers who are experiencing high levels of distress. She is also involved in the management and supervision of psychological practitioners and other healthcare professionals in the Women's Health and Cancer Divisions, and provides placements for the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Training courses. 

Jenny has a particular interest in quality of life after treatment, the impact of cancer on relationships, and palliative care. She also works with the Gynaecological Familial Cancer Clinic, supporting women with decision-making regarding risk-reducing surgery. She is a member of the Trust's Adult Clinical Health Psychology Board and represents UCLH at London-wide psycho-oncology meetings.