Professional background

Laura Waters is a GU/HIV consultant and HIV & hepatitis lead at CNWL’s Mortimer Market Centre, London. She chair of BHIVA and on the BASHH Board, previous BHIVA conferences chair, previous chair of the BASHH HIV special interest group and involved is in several national guidelines. Laura is on the HIV Clinical Reference Group, advising NHS England about HIV care, co-chair of the HIV CRG drugs sub-group, a section lead for the HIV Commission and on the trials management group of the PrEP IMPACT trial. She has published and presented widely, is a regular columnist for Boyz magazine, and is a Terrence Higgins Trust trustee.

Research interests

  • Antiretrovirals
  • Drug toxicity
  • Ageing
  • Issues for women living with HIV
  • Hepatitis C


Waters L, Church H. Curr Opin Infect Dis. Two drugs regimens for HIV. 2020 Feb;33(1):28-33.

Waters LJ, Collins S, Boffito M. Guidelines in the context of medical ethics. BMJ. 2019 Mar 12;364:l1040.

Sax PE, Erlandson KM, Lake JE, McComsey GA, Orkin C, Esser S, Brown TT, Rockstroh JK, Wei X, Carter CC, Zhong L, Brainard DM, Melbourne K, Das M, Stellbrink HJ, Post FA, Waters L, Koethe JR. Weight Gain Following Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy: Risk Factors in Randomized Comparative Clinical Trials. S Clin Infect Dis. 2019 Oct 14.

Ong KJ, van Hoek AJ, Harris RJ, Figueroa J, Waters L, Chau C, Croxford S, Kirwan P, Brown A, Postma MJ, Gill ON, Delpech V. HIV care cost in England: a cross-sectional analysis of antiretroviral treatment and the impact of generic introduction. HIV Med. 2019 Jul;20(6):377-391

Gupta RK, Abdul-Jawad S, McCoy LE, Mok HP, Peppa D, Salgado M, Martinez-Picado J, Nijhuis M, Wensing AMJ, Lee H, Grant P, Nastouli E, Lambert J, Pace M, Salasc F, Monit C, Innes AJ, Muir L, Waters L, Frater J, Lever AML, Edwards SG, Gabriel IH, Olavarria E. HIV-1 remission following CCR5?32/?32 haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation. Nature. 2019 Apr;568(7751):244-248.