Professional background

  • Consultant neurologist, Homerton Hospital, and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
  • Lead clinician, acute brain injury service, the National  Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery/University College Hospital, and Homerton regional neurological rehabilitation unit
  • Consultant emeritus, St Bartholomew’s Hospital
  • Recognised teacher, University of London, 1997
  • Visiting professor, Department of Health Sciences, University of East London, 1998
  • External examiner, School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, University of Reading, 2001
  • GMC medical examiner, 2006

Research interests

I have focused on the development of acute and early inpatient rehabilitation services for patients after vascular and traumatic brain injury, and have reflected this as founder consultant member and lead clinician of the novel Acute Brain Injury Service at the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery and University College London Hospitals, and clinical lead of the Homerton University Hospital Regional Neurological Rehabilitation Unit, as well as in my research output at the level of pathology, impairment and function after brain injury.


Kinnunen KM, Greenwood R, Powell JH, Leech R, Hawkins PC, Bonnelle V, Patel MC, Counsell SJ, Sharp DJ. White matter
damage and cognitive impairment after traumatic brain injury. Brain. 2011; 134: 449-63.

Volle E, de Lacy Costello A, Coates LM, McGuire C, Towgood K, Gilbert S, Kinkingnehun S, McNeil JE, Greenwood R, Papps B, van den Broeck M, Burgess PW. Dissociation between Verbal Response Initiation and Suppression after Prefrontal Lesions. Cereb Cortex. 2011 Nov 17.

Bonnelle V, Leech R, Kinnunen KM, Ham TE, Beckmann CF, De Boissezon X, Greenwood RJ, Sharp DJ. Default network connectivity predicts sustained attention deficits after traumatic brain injury. J Neurosci. 2011 21;31:13442-51.

Oliver R, Opavsky R, Vyslouzil M, Greenwood R, Rothwell JC. The role of the cerebellum in 'real' and 'imaginary' line bisection explored with 1-Hz repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Eur J Neurosci. 2011; 33: 1724-32.

Sharp DJ, Beckmann CF, Greenwood R, Kinnunen KM, Bonnelle V, De Boissezon X, Powell JH, Counsell SJ, Patel MC, Leech R. Default mode network functional and structural connectivity after traumatic brain injury. Brain. 2011;134:2233-47.

Dalton C, Farrell R, De Souza A, Wujanto E, McKenna-Slade A, Thompson S, Liu C, Greenwood R. Patient inclusion in goal setting during early inpatient rehabilitation after acquired brain injury. Clin Rehabil. 2012;26:165-73.

Hammerbeck U, Yousif N, Greenwood RJ, Rothwell JC, Diedrichsen J. Movement speed is biased by prior experience. J Neurophysiol. 2013 Oct 16. PMID: 24133220

Pomeroy VM, Ward NS, Johansen-Berg H, van Vliet P, Burridge J, Hunter SM, Lemon RN, Rothwell J, Weir CJ, Wing A, Walker AA, Kennedy N, Barton G, Greenwood RJ, McConnachie A. FAST INdiCATE Trial protocol. Clinical efficacy of functional strength training for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: Neural correlates and prognostic indicators. Int J Stroke. 2013 Sep 12. doi: 10.1111/ijs.12179.

Greenwood R. Rehabilitation: advanced but not translated. Curr Opin Neurol. 2012; 25: 649-50.

Gorgoraptis N, Mah YH, Machner B, Singh-Curry V, Malhotra P, Hadji-Michael M, Cohen D, Simister R, Nair A, Kulinskaya E, Ward N, Greenwood R, Husain M. The effects of the dopamine agonist rotigotine on hemispatial neglect following stroke. Brain. 2012;135: 2478-91

Talelli P, Wallace A, Dileone M, Hoad D, Cheeran B, Oliver R, VandenBos M, Hammerbeck U, Barratt K, Gillini C, Musumeci G, Boudrias MH, Cloud GC, Ball J, Marsden JF, Ward NS, Di Lazzaro V, Greenwood RG, Rothwell JC. Theta burst stimulation in the rehabilitation of the upper limb: a semirandomized, placebo-controlled trial in chronic stroke patients. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2012;26: 976-87.

Bonnelle V, Ham TE, Leech R, Kinnunen KM, Mehta MA, Greenwood RJ, Sharp DJ. Salience network integrity predicts default mode network function after traumatic brain injury. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2012; 109: 4690-5.

Volle E, de Lacy Costello A, Coates LM, McGuire C, Towgood K, Gilbert S, Kinkingnehun S, McNeil JE, Greenwood R, Papps B, van den Broeck M, Burgess PW. Dissociation between verbal response initiation and suppression after prefrontal lesions. Cereb Cortex. 2012; 22: 2428-40.

Pomeroy VM, Ward NS, Johansen-Berg H, van Vliet P, Burridge J, Hunter SM, Lemon RN, Rothwell J, Weir CJ, Wing A, Walker AA, Kennedy N, Barton G, Greenwood RJ, McConnachie A; FAST INdICATE Investigators. FAST INdiCATE Trial protocol. Clinical efficacy of functional strength training for upper limb motor recovery early after stroke: neural correlates and prognostic indicators. Int J Stroke. 2014;9:240-5.

Hammerbeck U, Yousif N, Greenwood R, Rothwell JC, Diedrichsen J.  Movement speed is biased by prior experience. J Neurophysiol. 2014;111:128-34.

Devine MJ, Bentley P, Jones B, Hotton G, Greenwood RJ, Jenkins IH, Joyce EM, Malhotra PA. The role of the right inferior frontal gyrus in the pathogenesis of post-stroke psychosis. J Neurol. 2014;261:600-3.

Scott G, Ramlackhansingh AF, Edison P, Hellyer P, Cole J, Veronese M, Leech R, Greenwood RJ, Turkheimer FE, Gentleman SM, Heckemann RA, Matthews PM, Brooks DJ, Sharp DJ. Amyloid pathology and axonal injury after brain trauma. Neurology 2016;86:821-8

Higgins N, Trivedi R, Greenwood R, Pickard J. Brain Slump Caused by Jugular Venous Stenoses Treated by Stenting: A Hypothesis to Link Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension with Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension. J Neurol Surg Rep 2015;76:188-93.

Scott G, Ramlackhansingh AF, Edison P, Hellyer P, Cole J, Veronese M, Leech R, Greenwood RJ, Turkheimer FE, Gentleman SM, Heckemann RA, Matthews PM, Brooks DJ, Sharp DJ. Amyloid pathology and axonal injury after brain trauma. Neurology 2016; 86:821-28

Hammerbeck U, Yousif N, Hoad D, Greenwood R, Diedrichsen J, Rothwell JC. Chronic Stroke Survivors Improve Reaching Accuracy by Reducing Movement Variability at the Trained Movement Speed. Neurorehabil Neural Repair. 2017;31:499-508.

Quattrocchi G, Greenwood R, Rothwell JC, Galea JM, Bestmann S. Reward and punishment enhance motor adaptation in stroke. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017;88:730-36.

Tan CL, Alavi SA, Baldeweg SE, Belli A, Carson A, Feeney C, Goldstone AP, Greenwood R, Menon DK, Simpson HL, Toogood AA, Gurnell M, Hutchinson PJ. The screening and management of pituitary dysfunction following traumatic brain injury in adults: British Neurotrauma Group guidance. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 2017;88:971-81

Jenkins PO, De Simoni S, Bourke NJ, Fleminger J, Scott G, Towey DJ, Svensson W, Khan S, Patel M, Greenwood R, Cole JH, Sharp DJ. Dopaminergic abnormalities following traumatic brain injury. Brain 2018;141:797-810

Kaski D, Buttell J, Greenwood R. Targeted rehabilitation reduces visual dependency and improves balance in severe traumatic brain injury: a case study. Disabil Rehabil. 2018; 40(7):856-8.

Lowe A, Neligan A, Greenwood R. Sleep disturbance and recovery during rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury: a systematic review. Disabil Rehabil. 1516819.Manuscript 2019 Feb 1:1-14.DOI: 10.1080/09638288.2018.1516819. In Press.