Professional background

Yasmin is a general paediatrician and is the children and young people's emergency department lead.  She qualified from the University of Southampton in 2000 with a Bachelor of Medicine.  Following this, she completed general and subspecialty paediatric training in London including emergency, tertiary oncology and endocrine posts.  She has worked as a locum consultant in paediatric emergency medicine at St Helier Hospital and as a general ambulatory locum consultant at St George's Hospital.

Yasmin joined the team at UCLH in 2015 and is the paediatric lead for emergency medicine and the paediatric site lead for UCL year 5 undergraduates.  She works both in the paediatric emergency and inpatient department as well as running regular general paediatric and rapid access clinics.

Yasmin has a keen interest in medical education and simulation. She is the undergraduate paediatric site lead for UCL and the joint paediatric simulation lead for the trust, teaching on multiple courses.  In addition, she represents the paediatric team on trust resuscitation, safeguarding and guideline committees.

Research interests

  • Paediatric Emergency
  • Medicine Undergraduate education
  • Paediatric Simulation

Languages spoken



Casalotti S, Rai Salina, Norris I, Singh A, Coa G, Johnston R, Sen C, Baki Y. SOLViT: innovative online peer-led learning for lockdown. BMJ Leader Vol 4, Issie Suppl 1 2020

K Knox, N Baldwin, C Cadman, O Davies, L Goh, R Mortimer, C Stiles, Y Baki, Sarah Eisen.  Responsive In-Situ Simulation in Kids (RISK) project: a novel approach to learning from incident reporting. BMJ Stel 2018.  Work presented as oral presentation at International SESAM (Society in Europe for Simulation Applied to Medicine) conference in Bilbao, April 2018.

Published Chapter: Metabolic and Endocrine Emergencies, Clinical Pathways in Emergency Medicine Volume 2,2016, Chapter 10, pp 185-199

Sutcliffe A & Baki Y. "What is known about children born to older parents?" In Bewley S, Ledger W, Nikolaou D (Eds.) Reproductive Ageing, Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Press 2009, pp173-81.

Kempley ST, Baki Y et al. Effect of a centralised transfer service on characteristics of inter-hospital transfers. Archives of Disease in Childhood: Fetal and Neonatal Edition 2007;92:185-188