- Adolescent gynaecology clinic
- Adolescent Social Work Service
- Adolescent Transition Clinic
- Adrenal surgery
- Adult allergy service
- Adult Auditory Implants and COVID-19 (coronavirus)
- Adult cerebral palsy and neuro-disability service
- Adult Diagnostics Audiology and Covid-19 (coronavirus)
- Adult Inherited Metabolic Disease Services
- Advance care planning: helping to plan your future care
- Advance Care Planning: supporting you to plan ahead when undergoing CAR T-cell therapy
- Advice and exercise following childbirth
- Advice and Management of Diastasis Rectus Abdominis
- Advice for patients following extraction and/or minor oral surgery (paediatric dentistry)
- Aftercare Guidance Following an Intrathecal Baclofen Pump Implant
- Afternoon colonoscopy with enhanced Moviprep® preparation
- Afternoon colonoscopy with Plenvu®
- Ageing with cerebral palsy (Post-Impairment Syndrome)
- Alcohol and Inherited Metabolic Disorders
- Alpha thalassaemia