Our disclosure log publishes responses that we have provided under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). They are displayed by subject and in the order in which they were received. If you would like to make a request under the FOIA please check here first to see if the information you need has already been released.
If you have any comments or queries about the log please contact uclh.
Title | Description | FOI Category | Date Received |
Ref no FOI.2023.0355 Response | FOI/2023/0355 - Hours spent in A&E for children and adults for mental health issues (2022/23) | Emergency services | 24/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0354 Response | FOI/2023/0354 - IUD fittings and removals | Women's health | 24/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0365 Response | FOI/2023/0365 - Microsoft licencing/ telephony | Information technology | 23/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0352 Response | FOI/2023/0352 - Security training/ Data breaches/ Security budgets/ Digital cyber security services | Information technology | 22/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0353 Response | FOI/2023/0353 - Junior doctors remuneration for days on strike/will be on strike | Human resources | 22/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0352 Response | FOI/2023/0352 - Data security training, data breach reporting, security budgets | Security | 22/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0351 Response | FOI/2023/0351 - Senior staff contact details for non-clinical workforce | Human resources | 22/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0349 Response | FOI/2023/0349 - IT division and BAME recruitment | Human resources | 22/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0348 Response | FOI/2023/0348 - Spend on agency nurses and midwives between May 2022 and May 2023 | Finance | 19/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0347 Response | FOI/2023/0347 - Privacy management and awareness policies/ guidelines | Trust policy | 19/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0345 Response | FOI/2023/0345 - SACT (systemic anti-cancer therapy) treatments for endometrial cancer | Cancer | 18/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0344 Response | FOI/2023/0344 - Number of neonatal and stillbirth deaths since January 2013 | Maternity services | 18/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0343 Response | FOI/2023/0343 - Clinical guidelines - group B Streptococcus for antenatal, intrapartum and postnatal care | Trust policy | 18/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0342 Response | FOI/2023/0342 - Self-administration of medication policies | Trust services | 18/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0341 Response | FOI/2023/0341 - Senior staff contact details | Human resources | 18/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0340 Response | FOI/2023/0340 - NHS charging of overseas visitors | Finance | 17/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0339 Response | FOI/2023/0339 - Thornbury Nursing Services from 01/04/2023 - 15/05/2023 | Human resources | 16/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0338 Response | FOI/2023/0338 - Individuals with a change to a gene called CACNA1C for 2021 and 2022 | Trust services | 16/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0337 Response | FOI/2023/0337 - Trac systems e-recruitment software used at the Trust | Information technology | 16/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0336 Response | FOI/2023/0336 - Number of pagers currently in use at the Trust | Information technology | 16/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0335 Response | FOI/2023/0335 - Tier 3 weight management service | Trust services | 16/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0332 Response | FOI/2023/0332 - Eating disorder services and Advance Decisions/ Directives to refuse medical treatment (ADRTs) | Trust services | 15/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0334 Response | FOI/2023/0334 - Non-clinical temporary and fixed term staff CCS framework | Human resources | 15/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0331 Response | FOI/2023/0331 - Sexual assaults in hospitals from 2020 to 2023 | Safety | 12/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0330 Response | FOI/2023/0330 - Outsourced/ in-house occupational health provisions | Trust services | 12/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0329 Response | FOI/2023/0329 - Procurement and the decision making process of specialist PPE/ medical device equipment | Procurement | 12/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0328 Response | FOI/2023/0328 - NHS e-rostering capabilities | Human resources | 12/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0327 Response | FOI/2023/0327 - NHS long-term plan/ prevention strategy | Trust planning | 11/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0326 Response | FOI/2023/0326 - Risk management system reporting rates for adverse events | Safety | 11/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0324 Response | FOI/2023/0324 - ASD assessment (Autism Spectrum Disorder or Condition) | Trust services | 11/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0323 Response | FOI/2023/0323 - Medications/ treatment for dermatology and respiratory medicine | Pharmacy | 10/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0322 Response | FOI/2023/0322 - Intraosseous blood samples | Trust services | 10/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0321 Response | FOI/2023/0321 - Teleradiology provider/ framework | Procurement | 09/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0319 Response | FOI/2023/0319 - Multiple Sclerosis (MS) treatment/ medication for any diseases | Pharmacy | 05/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0315 Response | FOI/2023/0315 - Menopause Lead at the Trust | Human resources | 04/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0313 Response | FOI/2023/0313 - Consent, confidentiality and information sharing in mental healthcare and suicide | Trust services | 04/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0312 Response | FOI/2023/0312 - IT infrastructure | Information technology | 03/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0310 Response | FOI/2023/0310 - Biologic treatment/ medicines in dermatology | Pharmacy | 03/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0308 Response | FOI/2023/0308 - Treatment for biologic and biosimilar products within rheumatology | Pharmacy | 02/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0307 Response | FOI/2023/0307 - Non-pharmaceutical product/ supply chain arrangements | Procurement | 02/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0306 Response | FOI/2023/0306 - Risk management policy/ procedures/ guidelines | Trust policy | 02/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0305 Response | FOI/2023/0305 - Trust held non-pharmaceutical consignment stock holding | Procurement | 02/05/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0304 Response | FOI/2023/0304 - Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia treatments | Cancer | 28/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0303 Response | FOI/2023/0303 - Sexual harassment from patients towards staff in 2022 | Safety | 28/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0301 Response | FOI/2023/0301 - Meat served at the Trust that may contain nitrates or nitrites | Estates and facilities | 28/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0262 Response | FOI/2023/0262 - Clinical trial participation | Research and development | 27/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0297 Response | FOI/2023/0297 - Non-clinical vacancies and off-framework agency spend | Finance | 27/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0298 Response | FOI/2023/0298 - Printers and print management software | Information technology | 27/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0299 Response | FOI/2023/0299 - Trust Medical Examiner contact details | Human resources | 27/04/2023 |
Ref no FOI.2023.0300 Response | FOI/2023/0300 - Post-mortem examinations for 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022 | Trust services | 27/04/2023 |