- Having proton beam therapy: a guide for patients and carers
- Having proton beam therapy: information for children aged 5- 8
- Having proton beam therapy: information for children aged 9-12
- Having proton beam therapy: information for teenagers aged 13-17
- Head injury in adolescents and young people
- Headaches (Post-COVID Service)
- Healthy Eating after Spinal Cord Injury
- Help with hospital travel costs
- Hepatitis B
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Highly Specialised Service For McArdle Disease and Related Disorders
- Hinge Knee Brace - Advice for Patients
- HLH Patient Information Page
- Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA): Information for people affected by cancer and blood conditions
- Home exercises to improve strength and balance following hospital admission
- Home-acupuncture
- Hormone therapy for prostate cancer
- How to access your video appointment using MyCare UCLH with Microsoft Teams
- How to build muscle with Type 1 diabetes
- How to expand your removable brace