Professional background

Danielle is a clinical psychologist. She provides psychological therapy for children, young people and their families who are adapting to a health condition. She also works closely with their medical teams to support them and help them to think about the psychological impact of having a medical condition. She is particularly interested in cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and mindfulness approaches.


Payne, L., Flannery, H., Kambakara Gedara, C., Daniilidi, X., Hitchcock, M., Lambert, D.,  Christie, D. (2020). Business as usual? Psychological support at a distance. Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry. 

Algranati, S. & Lambert, D. (2019). An ACT and physiotherapy group for adolescents experiencing chronic pain. Clinical Psychology Forum, 319, 15–19. 

Pulham, R. A., Alia, D., Marshall, L., & Lambert, D. (2019). Using therapeutic documents: A story of creativity tricks and living after childhood cancer. In Clinical Psychology Forum (Vol. 320, pp. 22-27).