Professional background

I qualified in medicine from Charing Cross Hospital in 1979 and underwent surgical training. I subsequently qualified in osteopathic medicine in 1989 and have been involved in musculoskeletal medicine since then. I am a tutor at the London College of Osteopathic Medicine.

My practice is holistic and patient centred. My main physical method of treatment is by osteopathy or acupuncture although in certain circumstances I use injections for some musculoskeletal conditions.

I am particularly interested in mind body medicine and the treatment of stress related symptoms.?.

I am involved in exercise medicine and teach Tai Chi Shibashi to patients suffering from chronic MSK pain at the hospital.

I also work as an autogenic therapist.

Research interests

Musculoskeletal pain


Straiton N, Sterland J. Can sponsored jumps cause pain for months?
Br J Sports Med. 1986 June; 20(2): 60–61.

Straiton N. Fractures of the lower vertebral column in ankylosing spondylitis. Br J Clin Pract. 1987 Sep;41(9):933-4.

Straiton N. The relevance of childhood developmental factors to the efficacy of acupuncture on the affective component of back pain. Acupunct Med 2009;27:180-182