Professional background

Dr Caroline Micallef qualified in medicine from the University of Malta Medical School and trained in internal medicine. After obtaining her MRCP, she trained in radiology at the Royal Infirmary in Edinburgh and subsequently obtained a neuroradiology fellowship awarded by the London Deanery.

In 2008, she became a diagnostic consultant neuroradiologist at The Natonal Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery where she was the clinical lead of MRI and of the interventional MRI suite facility from 2008 until 2012. She has been instrumental in introducing and implementing the work flow in iMRI. During this time, she was also the clinical lead in neuro-oncological and epilepsy radiology.

Her current focus is on diagnostic neuroradiology and the use of advanced imaging techniques including functional imaging (fMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and perfusion imaging.


Research interests


Languages spoken

Italian, Maltese